How would you play on ♥7 lead?
Posted 2013-September-21, 10:40
How would you play on ♥7 lead?
Posted 2013-September-21, 11:26
Posted 2013-September-21, 15:58
nige1, on 2013-September-21, 11:26, said:
Shouldn't you cover the 7 with the 8 and then ruff a spade first in case somebody has KQJ tight in which case you only need to ruff 2 spades to establish the suit and you're in fine shape if trumps are 2-1.
Posted 2013-September-21, 16:30
trick 1 win trump in hand and assuming they break 21
trick 2 ruff a club
trick 3 spade Ace
trick 4 ruff a spade
trick 5 ruff a club
trick 6 ruff a spade assuming spades break 43*
trick 7 ruff a club
trick 8 dia to hand
trick 9 ruff a club
trick 10 ruff a spade
trick 11 pull last trump
trick 12 dia to dummy
trick 13 cash good spade
*trick 6 ruff a spade if spades do not break 43 we need lho to hold long spades
trick 7 club k to take ruffing finesse assume its covered to make life easier (ruff)
trick 8 cash dia in dummy
trick 9 dia to hand
trick 10 club Q pitch dia
trick 11 ruff dia
trick 12/13 2 top trumps
If trumps break 30 trick 1 tell partner to quit wishing you GLP win in hand
trick 2 club K (lets assume its covered just to make things easier) ruff
trick 3 dia to hand
trick 4 club Q pitch dia loser
trick 5 win dia in dummy
trick 6 spade A
trick 7 ruff spade
trick 8 ruff dia in dummy
trick 9 ruff spade
cross ruff
need lho to hold at least 3 spades and 2 clubs and 2 dia or 4spades 2clubs and 2 dia
Posted 2013-September-21, 20:51
Posted 2013-September-22, 03:19
gszes, on 2013-September-21, 16:30, said:
trick 2 ruff a club
trick 3 spade Ace
trick 4 ruff a spade
trick 5 ruff a club
trick 6 ruff a spade
This is the best line I could think of, but it has a flaw.
We'd like to make whenever spades are 4-3 or ♣A is onside. We won the first trick with ♥10, and ♥9 is still out. At trick 6, our hearts are AK4. If we want all of our chances against spades 4-3, we have to ruff low, but if spades are 2=5 that risks an overruff.
Is there anything better than this?
Posted 2013-September-22, 03:28
Fluffy, on 2013-September-22, 02:53, said:
I believe that 5NT said something about the void, but I don't know the details, and I don't know what 3♣ and 3♥ meant.
Anyway, I think you can assume that everyone knew dummy was void in clubs.
Posted 2013-September-22, 03:38
♠A and spade ruff is auto, next is ♦A and spade ruff. If spades and clubs break I think we can try to ruff 2 clubs before comiting to the finesse.
Posted 2013-September-22, 16:39
If so, I think the line described by gzes is trivially better. Spades 4-3 is 62%, and you also get a chance to change tack if spades are 5-2, provided that you don't get overruffed on the third spade. Or have I missed something?
I posted this because I was very surprised by Forrester's line, if the Vugraph record was accurate. He won the trump with the 8, played ace and ruffed a spade, and then ran ♣K..
Posted 2013-September-22, 17:28
gnasher, on 2013-September-22, 16:39, said:
If so, I think the line described by gzes is trivially better. Spades 4-3 is 62%, and you also get a chance to change tack if spades are 5-2, provided that you don't get overruffed on the third spade. Or have I missed something? I posted this because I was very surprised by Forrester's line, if the Vugraph record was accurate. He won the trump with the 8, played ace and ruffed a spade, and then ran ♣K..
Posted 2013-September-22, 17:46
gnasher, on 2013-September-22, 16:39, said:
If so, I think the line described by gzes is trivially better. Spades 4-3 is 62%, and you also get a chance to change tack if spades are 5-2, provided that you don't get overruffed on the third spade. Or have I missed something?
I posted this because I was very surprised by Forrester's line, if the Vugraph record was accurate. He won the trump with the 8, played ace and ruffed a spade, and then ran ♣K..
I wasn't really suggesting a line, I was just saying that if you were playing Nigel's line, this looked like a small improvement.
Posted 2013-September-22, 19:23
Posted 2013-September-23, 09:14
This is from the Bermuda Bowl match between England and Japan. I've included the auction even though I don't know what it means. How would you play on ♥7 lead?