Almost everyone else is in 4♠ or 6♠ and on nine out of eleven of those tables a heart was led which allowed declarer to make 12 tricks. Unfortunately we were playing against one of the three pairs who found a diamond lead killing the slam stone dead for the only negative NS score.
Partner and I had a discussion on this after the event and we agreed she should have gone slower if she had slam aspirations instead of blasting Blackwood, and I'm not sure if 4NT should be Blackwood here rather than a quantitative slam invite. I thought of something like going through 4SF followed by raising spades if I respond 2♠ or 2NT which should be forcing to game and invites a cue bid from me. Where this ends up I'm not certain as if I cue 4♣, partner cues 4♥, do I sign off in 4♠ because I don't have the extras to justify bidding past game?