With the support of many players in my local COBA (Central Ohio Bridge Association) group, I created an experimental tournament to see if we could start our own 'Invitational' tournament. At the last minute (literally) I discovered that my carefully constructed 'Include' list wasn't being honored by the BBO software, and many COBA members were not able to register -they received the 'Blocked...' message from BBO. As a workaround I was forced to open the tournament up to anyone, which resulted in players from all over the world flooding in and rapidly filling up my very small (40) player limit. Moreover, these new players didn't understand that the tournament was an experimental first effort, and one of them took umbrage at my poor (actually non-existent, as I didn't know what I was doing on this first effort) TD skills and CANCELLED THE TOURNAMENT, even though it wasn't his/her tournament to start with. In addition, I no longer have the 'Director' tab on my account, so [this person] must have done this as well.
Since this happened, I have emailed support@bbo.com repeatedly to explain the situation and get ourselves going again, all to no avail. In the meantime, our central Ohio bridge community is left with no way to play, except in the EBU tournament or in the ridiculously over-subscribed ACBL Support your club tournament (which maxes out within a few minutes of opening).
Anyone out there know how a random BBO user can cancel someone else's tournament, and how I might get Director privileges back so I can help our 100+ online COBA members play bridge again?
This post has been edited by diana_eva: 2020-April-26, 02:19