Posted 2025-February-26, 22:26
The stop card was never to be used to alert partner to the jump bid, but to request a pause from the opponents so that LHO and partner can make almost all their calls after the jump in a consistent tempo.
The stop card was used (usually by people who didn't know better) to show a preemptive call (a strong jump wouldn't "need it", you see). Even experts - even experts who complained about the novices who used the stop card to differentiate between strong and weak jumps - would use the stop card when they thought the opponents would need to think (say, opening 3♥, or jump overcalling) and not when "clearly, the auction's over" (like the jump to 3NT or 6NT), or at least "we know you have nothing to think about here" calls (like 1♦-p-1♠-p; 3♠). Because "we all know" this isn't one of those "need a pause" auctions (and, of course, almost always they were obviously right). But it still, magically, let partner know "I know the opponents aren't coming in now", but it's okay when they did it, because "anybody know plays bridge would know that".
Anyone who thinks the stop card is used to wake partner up to the jump learned the same thing the "stop before a weak bid" people did. They probably cup their hand on the table behind dummy when partner won the trick there, too. The fact that it might help wake partner up to the clear auction is - frankly - a side-effect, not the point.
We in the ACBL took it away, but kept the requirement for the pause. Which means that people pause just as much and just as often as when the stop card was allowed, but now the ones that never did (unless they had to think) "know" that "they don't have to any more, because there's no stop card." And yes, they'd tell me that when I was called to the table, or in the bar afterward. But at least people don't have to worry about the stop card passing information (yes, even the information it wasn't supposed to need to pass).
What, cynical, me?
AFAIK (and I don't K much), we're the only weirdoes that don't use the stop card. Having said that, we were the only weirdoes that did the stop card dance the way we did, and we were the only weirdoes who thought "stop card is optional, real men bridge players don't need it" when it was in use.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)