heart76, on 2020-July-24, 08:46, said:
Disclaimer: not an expert.
If W has 6-7C with 13-ish HCP and S 20-21 balanced with a sensible C holding, I think there is a fair chance of a M fit.
So why give transfers and stayman away?
One question could be if 3C is stayman now, if you normally use puppet, given that S shouldn't have 5M.
But regardless, I would assume system on.
With xx xxx xxxxxxx x, I'd do whatever I do over our regular 20-21 NT opening.
What am I missing?
The better question is, if the auction had gone: 1
♦-P-P-2NT. Are systems on now? How do you sign off in clubs? What about if opener was bidding hearts? Systems on just seems like a very strange agreement in sequences like this. If you can't bid freely over the double, your hand has nothing to say except, "I have this suit and no values".
If your hand is balanced, your job is to stay quiet. Your partner shouldn't bid 2NT with hands that can't stomach such a reality, especially being in front of the opener. A POTENTIAL 4-4 major suit fit is not enough justification to gamble here with a garbage hand.
On hands like this, it's totally okay for the weaker hand to declare, if shapely. You hide their shape.
Also, the primary reason that people play transfers is because the transfer is forcing. It allows responder to show multiple types of hands due to the fact that the transfer bid cannot be passed. You can sign off in a major, invite in a major, invite in no-trump, make a mild slam try by bidding game in the major... etc...
Any hand that wants to bid here, but couldn't bid over the double is a bad hand. You're better off just simply setting the contract. It's not confusing, and it provides Advancer with more natural bids.
You should have a simple agreement. Mine is that system is on if the notrump bid is the 1st natural call by the partnership.
Hence system is on, here