Posted 2020-January-10, 14:54
I have to admit, at these colours, I would have doubled. If they run, and I bid hearts, maybe it's not "good 15", but I have tricks. If they don't run, then as little as the stiff J or any doubleton means that it's very likely they can't take 7 tricks before I get in and take mine.
Having bid 2♦ "one major", I'd bid 2♠ as West. For us it wouldn't really show game interest as much as "if you have hearts, they have spades and I won't let them bid 2♠ - they'll make the right decision when we do bid 3♥." (as Cyberyeti says above, with a more minimum 2♦ overcall, your making game may be a phantom - their 4♠ "sacrifice" could easily make!) Even with these cards, it is quite possible that if South is playing 2♠ (so no diamond lead), they'll make it easily, losing two spades, a heart and a club or two. Now as East, with partner willing to play 3♥ opposite my usual heart suit for a 2♦ call against weak, I think I can find a 3♣ "hearts, and I'm happy to hear you have them too, and I have club cards" call. Whether partner will get it is a question, but it pretty much has to be.
But one of the benefits of the weak NT is that sometimes you have game, or can get us for 200 or 300 if you don't; and sometimes it's just harder enough without the 1 level to work out what it is this time. One of the downsides of the weak NT is that sometimes you don't have game, but you do have enough to know we're going down in anything, and we give up 200 or 300 into nothing. Swings and roundabouts - but make sure you don't pass on your tickets to the roundabout when it comes along!
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)