We play Flannery - so that means that if I have 5h and 4s - I will open 2D and NOT 1 heart unless my point range would trigger a second bid showing spades (a reverse). Consequently, if I open 1 heart and my point range matches Flannery, I do not have 4 spades and my partner's bid of 1S in virtually all circumstances guarantees 5 Spades. At least that is our partnership understanding.
So, i opened 1 heart (denying 4 spades) and partner responded 1 spade - showing 5 spades and a minimum of 6 points - no upper limit.
I now look at my hand and need to come up with a bid that will show a good hand, support and spades, and my partner is unlikely to pass.
We have a fit in spades so i look at my LTC and it is 5. If partner has a 9 or better LTC, we should be in game. If we have a slam - I don't want to shut down the bidding. Since my partner bid I am assuming that his LTC is 9 or better.
Is there anyway I can make a bid below game that is forcing to game? A jump shift shows 19 plus points for us, and I am short of that.
As always - any help is appreciated.