mikeh, on 2019-April-18, 09:49, said:
It is hard to believe that any pair had an uncontested auction. Even if the unusual 2N was not available, East has a pretty clear heart preempt.
It is also hard to believe that South would be tempted to just blast 6N after the 2N overcall: in what universe can South even begin to count 12 tricks in notrump. Can't North have something like Kxx Kx Qxx AJxxx? And that is a 'good' hand in context. Good luck bringing that club suit home for 5 winners.
It is even hard to believe that it is easy to reach 6N without interference, unless one is such a bad player that one thinks that one has to drive to slam every time one holds a flat 17 hcp and partner opens.
With that rant over: it is common (in NA) to play some version of the Bridge World Un v Un, but that hardly solves matters.
Here, I would double. If partner has some 4333 then we probably belong on defence: slam will be remote and we rate to collect 500 or even 800, since declarer will rarely get to dummy.
LHO probably passes, with no preference, and partner has an easy pass of 2N. Now East runs to 3H and, if we are disciplined, we can pass, since 2N should (imo) establish a force such that they cannot play 3H undoubled. I would not double as South because I have no heart spots that could grow up and the hand is too slam oriented should partner have short hearts.
Partner will not double with a stiff, so he will bid 4C. Now as South I know he has real clubs. I have lots of options but I'd start with 4D and then North can bid 4H, and off we go. But I think I head for 6C, not 6N. xxx x KQx AKJxxx, I don't want to be in 6N. Now, maybe along the way I discover the spade King but I think that at imps I will always settle for 6C
Your rant is partially justified, as out of 63 tables nationally that played this hand 41 bid 3NT and only 10 bid slam (5 bid 6NT, 4 bid 6
♣, 1 bid 6
♠). Nobody bid the 7
♣ PAR. I still think we would have called 6NT (it's MP) in an unopposed auction, though, and I doubt that East intervened at even half the tables - Italians have a defensive mentality on the whole. Perhaps rightly in this case, as the top score was 1700 obtained at 2 tables.
I'm more interested in how your bidding works here, though. I gather that your double is not part of an Un vs. Un. setup, but what does it show to opener and with what hand could/should he not pass it? I'm comfortable with your developments after East runs to hearts.