It is long agreed with my main partner that we play DOPI/ROPI after interference (below 5 in trumps) over any ask which foresees a series of replies, such as Ogust, Gerber or RKCB. Since then we changed the RKCB reply scheme from 0314 to 1403. Now I discovered (luckily not during competition) that we interpret the application of ROPI/DOPI to RKCB differently: I expect Double/Redouble to still correspond to the first element of the series (as it does with any other ask) and thus 1|4 keycards, whereas partner expects it to correspond to the actual value 0|3, "as the acronym suggests". Looking for the "correct" solution to this dilemma in internet suggests that when playing RKCB as 1403 then Double/Redouble should show 1|4 (as I would expect) but that this should be described as DIPO/RIPO

To my mind, it's just a detail of the RKCB convention that we inverted the first two replies of the series, DOPI/ROPI still applies the same way. But if I have to call that DIPO/RIPO on the convention card (or to convince my literal minded partner) then no problem.
How do other people handle / describe this when playing 1403 RKCB? I understand it's basically just a semantic issue, but slams are missed because of details like this.