*alerted as could be 2 clubs or more
4H went down 4 for -400 (though 8 tricks can be made on optimum play).
At the end of play W says her 2C, which was not alerted, is UCB showing a good raise in diamonds.
N/S complain to the director. South says that had he known of the misunderstanding he would have passed 2C, which is likely to be -5.
E/W is not a regular partnership. UCB is on their card, but the answer to the question "is a cue bid over a short club UCB" is "never discussed."
E, who holds Kx in clubs, says he was sure at the time that 2C was natural.
N, who holds a 7-card club suit, no doubt guessed that something was amiss.
Has there been an infraction?
Is there damage to N/S?
If there is, what is appropriate rectification?
At other tables, incidentally, 50% of the N/S pairs end up in a heart contract, most going down. E/W can make 4S or 4D. N/S can make 4C.
This post has been edited by blackshoe: 2017-April-08, 09:33
Reason for edit: Add bidding diagram
EBU county match. W is dealer. All red.
4H went down 4 for -400 (though 8 tricks can be made on optimum play).
At the end of play W says her 2C, which was not alerted, is UCB showing a good raise in diamonds.
N/S complain to the director. South says that had he known of the misunderstanding he would have passed 2C, which is likely to be -5.
E/W is not a regular partnership. UCB is on their card, but the answer to the question "is a cue bid over a short club UCB" is "never discussed."
E, who holds Kx in clubs, says he was sure at the time that 2C was natural.
N, who holds a 7-card club suit, no doubt guessed that something was amiss.
Has there been an infraction?
Is there damage to N/S?
If there is, what is appropriate rectification?
At other tables, incidentally, 50% of the N/S pairs end up in a heart contract, most going down. E/W can make 4S or 4D. N/S can make 4C.