Table Result 6NT= Lead Q♣. Matchpoints.
The North London club decided to use the new laws this week, as practice for the TDs, and Vampyr had a busy evening with at least three TD calls. Against 6NT, West led the Q♣ and RR, South, who had wrongly interpreted 4NT as ordinary Blackwood, played two rounds of each suit other than diamonds and then played a diamond from South in this position:
West played the six and RR hummed and harred for a while, and then said "Win it". SB, dummy, had a complete count on the hand and played the eight, and when East showed out, even RR had no problem using his major suit entries for two more diamond finesses. This was a complete top for RR and SB (most pairs had stopped in 3NT or 4NT). ChCh, West, was unhappy. "Dummy participated in the play", he said. "Director, please".
The TD arrived and SB was quickly in. "Another complete waste of time," he ridiculed. "The new laws are very clear on a Incomplete Call:
46B1(b) If he directs dummy to win the trick he is deemed to have called the lowest card of the suit led that it is known will win the trick."
"In this case, RR had a complete count on the hand, and it was known that the 8♦ will win the trick. Indeed the interpretation that is considered by the BLML so far is: 'What I think it means is "the smallest card of the suit led that is higher than the other cards played to the trick so far. So, even adopting that interpretation, RR is deemed to play the 8♦", SB chortled. "I think we can agree that the result stands, can't we TD?"
How do you rule?