Why am I being shunned? Always rejected
Posted 2016-August-12, 08:34
My suggestion is to join ad hoc team games - which you can put yourself on the list to be informed of when they are organized - and then soon enough you will click with a few other BBO players. And then the site will be fun for you.
Or, if you prefer, follow me and message me when you see me online. I'll play with you for a bit.
Posted 2016-August-12, 10:25
For what it is worth, my observation is that the more conventions someone lists on their profile the weaker player they are. As for self rating as an "expert", I think I have yet to come across a real expert on BBO except of course on view graph. I rather suspect that true experts and WC players have better things to do than slum it on BBO.
Posted 2016-August-12, 11:12
Posted 2016-August-12, 13:44
The reason that I mention it, for the benefit of the OP, who likely cannot use the windows client, is that changes in the seat availability (such as when vacant seats get filled) are updated instantly in the windows client. By contrast, the Flash interface only gets updated on the earlier of the user clicking refresh, and a fixed but significant delay. If there is a significant delay between the screen refreshing, whether automatically or forced by clicking on refresh, and an attempt to join an apparently available seat, then there is a risk that the seat has by then been filled or table closed. Experience of using the windows client, and benefitting from the automated instant screen refresh, tells us that in the main club the life span of vacant seats is usually very short, and considerably shorter than the Flash auto-refresh rate . So the presented list of vacant seats is unreliable unless you habitually click refresh immediately prior to joining a seat
Unfortunately the message sent to you on unsuccessfully trying to sit is uninformative on this point.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-August-12, 14:35
The_Badger, on 2016-August-12, 02:27, said:
nekthen, on 2016-August-12, 03:54, said:
My guess is that we have a different definition of a "useless bridge player". If someone is fun, lack of skill won't detract from my enjoyment much.
dave251164, on 2016-August-12, 05:48, said:
You might like to try Robot World - especially the Bingo Races and Robot Reward Best Hands. The Instant Tournaments (choose MP or IMPS)are also very convenient. None require any human partners. I play loads and I haven't played with a human partner in many years!

billw55, on 2016-August-12, 06:27, said:

rcarle, on 2016-August-12, 08:22, said:
helene_t, on 2016-August-12, 08:33, said:
Reasons for rejecting requests:
- I planed to play with three robots as I only have a few minutes before the next meeting. I just didn't get the robots seated yet. During the 5 secs it takes to seat three robots (a lot more if I need to purchase bbo dollars first or if my connection is very slow) I often get a handful of requests.
- I am waiting for a regular partner to arrive.
- A player left and I want to ask his partner about preferences first before I look for a partner for him.
- I get a bunch of requests, accept one, reject the rest.
- We just stopped playing. I will typically get a handful of requests before I get through the "thanks opps and merry christsmas" ritual and get the table closed.
When I actually take the effort to look at the profile of the requester, I accept most of the time. I would only reject people that I have a "rude and clueless" player note on, or who has some completely obscene things in his profile. That happens very rarely.
helene_t, on 2016-August-12, 08:33, said:
Thanks for all the replies everyone, and I'll respond to the rest later

Posted 2016-August-12, 14:49
GrahamJson, on 2016-August-12, 10:25, said:
I suspect that this is true. I know that when I play with a real-life pickup partner I prefer to play rubber-bridge methods if they agree. Few conventions can be played with no discussion at all. And with a pickup partner, real or online, there is little time for discussion.
But barring that, it must surely be best to play one of BBO's preloaded convention cards, since hopefully these are reasonably well thought out systems rather than a hodgepodge of favourite toys.
Failing that too, I would, if I played with online pickups, put nothing on my profile and just play what they have in theirs.
OP, I wonder if you are being a little inflexible? You might find an otherwise compatible partner who prefers a different discard system than you do. And as mentioned above, you can always ask to play a different system. No two profiles are likely to be identical, so there has to be some degree of compromise.
Posted 2016-August-12, 14:51
zillahandp, on 2016-August-12, 11:12, said:
And if none of your regular partners plays online?
Posted 2016-August-12, 15:03
On the contrary there are a lot of players who will not sit opposite an empty profile (an equally absurd stance to take)
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-August-12, 15:10
Caitlynne, on 2016-August-12, 08:34, said:

GrahamJson, on 2016-August-12, 10:25, said:
I know that when a partner fills a seat that has nothing listed and won't talk (or may not speak English), and the opponents open 1C and he bids 2C, I am clueless whether he thinks it's a monster, or showing clubs, or showing the majors. If someone says my profile is OK except support doubles, I know exactly what it means when he bids 2C, and he knows that I know what it means because I put it in my profile. (Incidentally, someone said she couldn't see more than 3 lines of my profile. Is that true or was she missing the scroll bar?)
1eyedjack, on 2016-August-12, 13:44, said:
The reason that I mention it, for the benefit of the OP, who likely cannot use the windows client, is that changes in the seat availability (such as when vacant seats get filled) are updated instantly in the windows client. By contrast, the Flash interface only gets updated on the earlier of the user clicking refresh, and a fixed but significant delay. If there is a significant delay between the screen refreshing, whether automatically or forced by clicking on refresh, and an attempt to join an apparently available seat, then there is a risk that the seat has by then been filled or table closed. Experience of using the windows client, and benefitting from the automated instant screen refresh, tells us that in the main club the life span of vacant seats is usually very short, and considerably shorter than the Flash auto-refresh rate . So the presented list of vacant seats is unreliable unless you habitually click refresh immediately prior to joining a seat
Unfortunately the message sent to you on unsuccessfully trying to sit is uninformative on this point.
Vampyr, on 2016-August-12, 14:49, said:
Again, thank you all for your well thought out responses. When I first posted some friends said this was a great site but I just wasn't seeing it. Now I am seeing just what an awesome community you have here. I'll probably be replying a lot less in this thread but to anybody that wants to comment, thank you in advance.
Posted 2016-August-12, 15:56
Posted 2016-August-12, 16:32
StevenG, on 2016-August-12, 16:00, said:
I confirm Kaitlyn S's experience. If I try to view his/her profile using IE11 on a Windows 8.1 machine, using the Flash interface, I can see only 3 lines of the profile, plus the top edge of some text indicating at least one further (hidden) row of text, but no scroll bar to access it.
This is not unique - I have observed this on many occasions.
With the Android mobile skin we get to see the full profile (again with no scroll bar - the whole profile is in this case presented in the initial view).
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-August-12, 16:50
Don't worry. There are 100s who are happy to play with you.
Posted 2016-August-12, 17:42
1eyedjack, on 2016-August-12, 15:03, said:
So what does the list mean? I will play any of these conventions that you want, but no others? Is there usually a lot of choosing from the "menu" before a pair begin to play? I get the impression that there is not.
Is it absurd? It seems to me that it would show a willingness to play what partner wants. Though I suppose some basic systems should be mentioned. For example there are so many Precision variants that I would hesitate to try it with an nine pickup.
Posted 2016-August-12, 17:45
Kaitlyn S, on 2016-August-12, 15:10, said:
Can you not arrange to play with those friends and forget about randoms?
Posted 2016-August-12, 18:10
Posted 2016-August-12, 18:16
Posted 2016-August-12, 19:52
Vampyr, on 2016-August-12, 18:16, said:
Posted 2016-August-12, 21:36
Kaitlyn S, on 2016-August-12, 19:52, said:
You could give a plus 1 to the reply. Near bottom right in green.