True, I've had the odd shirty response on the odd occasion when, sitting as dummy, I've typed "claim?" on the chatline. Responses on the lines of "I'm perfectly capable of deciding for myself when to claim, thanks!"
Why are some players more 'touchy' than others, I wonder?
If I'm declarer, and my partner tells me to claim, the last thing I'll do is take umbrage. Sometimes I've held back a claim for a trick or two, because I want to ensure that it's clearer to the opponents. Sometimes I've failed to notice a claim. Sometimes my partner is wrong!
This hand cropped up. I was sitting west:
Once we reached 6NT, played by east, I was ready to compliment myself ( ) on an excellent contract. Obviously it fails on a diamond lead, but anything else, provided the spades are not 6-0, it's an absolute certainty. So when a club was led, and my partner ran the J♠, showing that spades weren't 6-0, I was strongly tempted to type "CLAIM!" on the chatline. If the opponents challenged, well, easy to explain: there were enough entries to drive out the A♥ and still cash 12 winners.
But I didn't. I kept quiet and waited for the disaster.....
Partner contrived to go down, somehow. OK. You can't always blame partner. Everyone has their bad days, myself no exception. But I was sorely disappointed. No-one else bid 6NT on that hand.