Posted 2016-June-06, 01:00
Lots of viewers (some are me looking at it several times), but no replies so this isn't an easy problem. Guess I'll take the plunge.
Ok, it doesn't hurt to do a little analysis first. You have 10 high card points and dummy has 5. If declarer has an absolute minimum, say 11 HCP, that adds up to 26 total outside of partner's hand. So partner could have at most 14 HCP. Opener's hand is limited by the failure to make a game try so is likely to have no more than a bad 15 count which leaves partner with at least 10 HCP.
Also, it would be usual for partner to cover and win the ♠ K with the ♠ A. So, we can place the ♠ A in opener's hand. If partner held the ♥ J10 the normal play would be the ♥ 10 from that holding, so it's likely opener has that card, too. Partner signaled an odd number of ♠. Partner cannot hold 5, else opener would duck and win the stiff ♠ A. Declarer is also unlikely to hold 5 ♠ (and partner 1) as the auction likely would have been different. (Opener would have to have 6 ♥ to bid ♥ first holding 5 ♠ and the auction surely wouldn't have ended in 2 ♥.) So partner likely holds 3 ♠ and declarer is placed with ♠ A and ♥ A10.
This is IMPs so our objective is to beat the hand if at all possible.
Looking at the cards and what we know - it looks like we potentially have 1 ♠ trick, 1 ♦ trick, and 1 ♣ trick in your hand. We'll also get at least 1 ♥ trick, if we make the right ♥ play. So we need to find 2 more tricks from partner to beat the contract. With all 4 As or 3 As and ♥ K declarer might invite. If declarer has a stiff minor card then one of the tricks in your hand may go away. If declarer holds ♦ Axx there's always an entry to dummy. If declarer is missing 2 As, then opener has surely opened with ♠ A and ♥ AK as there are hardly enough other cards to open with missing ♥ K. So it seems more likely partner has an A and ♥ K.
Does the ♥ J play at trick 2 jibe with holding ♥ KJ or ♥ KJx? Partner might well play the J hoping declarer holds only the A. If declarer hold AQ(x..) or Qx(x..), the play of the J doesn't matter. But if declarer holds Ax(x..), the J forcing the A may alert partner that the K may be in partner's hand.
If declarer is good enough to win the first trump trick with ♥ A and underlead ♥ K10x(x..), then I'm paying off.
I'm ducking.