billw55, on 2017-March-08, 15:03, said:
The USA needs to swallow its pride and give up the myth of exceptionalism. We aren't automatically better at everything than every other country just because we are the USA. Universal health care is one thing we are worse at. Many developed nations provide care for everyone - poor, elderly, very sick - at substantially lower cost per capita, and with better health outcomes overall. Let's learn to do it their way.
However, I warn you. Getting rid of the insurance companies and let the public sector reimburse (or even provide) all essential healthcare would be a step in the right direction, but it would not in itself bring the cost-effectiveness of the US health care system up to international standards. Here are a few other things that have to change:
- Get rid of malpractice lawsuits. If the doctor out of extreme neglect kills someone or causes permanent disability, report it to the police. Otherwise it's just bad luck. You can get his license revoked or maybe even get him in prisson if he's a really bad guy but your personal gain will be small. And if you report him just for failure to administer a treatment or test that
in retrospect could have saved you then sorry, you are wasting everybody's time.
- Get rid of doctor-shopping. You have a single GP who knows you and if he's on holidays you just wait till he's back if it's not urgent. And I mean URGENT, not just "urgent".
- Accept substantial waiting lists for non-urgent (and even "somewhat urgent") specialist care.
- 60-70% paycut for doctors. OK, they save on malpractice insurance so they keep a liveable net income.
- Get rid of second opinion except if you are happy to pay for it yourself. Same with all diagnostic tests that don't have a clear indication.
- Every "condition" that was discovered by one of those ridicolous "general health checks" is given very low priority. They are usually false positives. Not much better than "my astrologist told me I might have cancer".
- No antibiotics unless a serious bacterial infection has been diagnosed. This applies to farm animals also.
- Start cycling to work and eat normal size meals. And don't drink stuff that contains fructose syrup. Etc.
- Drug expenses are reimbursed at the price of the cheapest generics unless a patented drug has been scientifically proven not just to be better but to be so much better that it is worth the cost. This means that at current prescription practice, you will often suffer some 90% co-payment so patients will have to put pressure on their doctors to prescribe something that is covered. Obviously guidelines will have to be written for this so patients don't have to ask for it.
- Medical school is free to attend. This actually saves money since doctors won't have justification for demanding ridicolous salaries. More doctors will graduate, creating negative pressure on salaries.
I wish you good luck.
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