This was from a premier league match here in Northern Ireland, opponents are pretty strong club players- probably high advanced/low expert by BBO's "official" standards. The play 2/4 leads, standard count/attitude and their overcall style is usually sound, but at 56 imps down with 7 boards to go, they might be swinging.
Anyway, you are in 3NT by the East hand. The play for the first 5 tricks is as follows:
1. SA S4 S3 S2
3. CT C9 C3 CA
4. H4 H2 HT H9
5. H5 C5 H7 H8
How do you continue from here?
If you play a diamond up (presumably the ten) first to go fishing, it will just fetch low cards (3 from South, 2 from North).
edit: Diagram was screwed up when removing unplayed cards. Had to remove 4 handed diagram.