Invite or Bash? Bundesliga 2015, Match 1
Posted 2015-January-26, 11:52
It may boil down to how aggressive is partner in accepting game invitations. If partner will accept with any excuse, then 2NT is probably sufficient (maybe he has a 13 count that he liked a lot, and game is quite iffy). If partner will decline to bid on with some reasonable hands, then bashing is the way to go.
Posted 2015-January-26, 12:00
Posted 2015-January-26, 12:08
Posted 2015-January-26, 15:20
Posted 2015-January-26, 15:25
Posted 2015-January-26, 15:30
mikeh, on 2015-January-26, 10:41, said:
Everything you said is right on most hands, however on this hand, were we have two or three 4-3 fits it favours a lot declarer, and in my opinion even more.
Anyway the point I wanted to make from the start of this hand is that on this kind of 3NT contract I'd rather hold QJxx than Kxxx, I wonder if others agree on this.
Posted 2015-January-26, 18:20
is this better or worse? I think better.
The role of spades is to guard the suit, I hope for tricks from the minors. With the above change, I go to 3NT.
I changed the spade T to a spot and the diamond spot to a T.
Posted 2015-January-26, 19:22
Posted 2015-January-27, 01:19
kenberg, on 2015-January-26, 18:20, said:
I had a similar question of how close it was and what we change it to. So I decided to see what the effect of turning the spade T into the spade 9. Note, some ~25% of the time there should be very close to no effect because any hand in the simulation that used to put a spade 9 in partner's hand will now be putting the spade T instead, but ~75% of the time the spade T will be with the opponents (where the 9 used to be). Before giving the numbers, I reran a 100,000 sample of the original hand to help people get a feel for what differences to expect just in different samples (as opposed to different hands). The new sample (with the exact same hand- I.e., still have the ST in the numbers below) gave:
In general, blasting instead of inviting wins you 0.07939.
In general, inviting instead of blasting wins you -0.07939.
When we stay low we would have made game 42273 times (42.272999999999996%)
When we stay low we would make 8 exactly 43415 times (43.415%)
When we stay low we would make 7 or fewer exactly 14312 times (14.312%)
This is really very close to before (as expected). the average number of tricks is within 0.001. The IMP differential is 0.00031. The percentage numbers are within about 1/10 of one percent. All well and good.
In contrast, with the spade 9 instead of T, we get:
In general, blasting instead of inviting wins you -0.6785.
In general, inviting instead of blasting wins you 0.6785.
When we stay low we would have made game 34050 times (34.050000000000004%)
When we stay low we would make 8 exactly 46750 times (46.75%)
When we stay low we would make 7 or fewer exactly 19200 times (19.2%)
So we've lost about 0.17 tricks on average (somewhere around 1/6 of a trick). Game is about 8% less likely, making exactly 8 tricks is about 3% more likely, and 7 or fewer is about 5% more likely. This transformation makes this quite bad to blast. -0.7 IMP (recall that the T instead of 9 gave +0.07 IMP - note the extra 0!).
Again all the usual caveats about double dummy and is it good or not, but you can see changing the T to the 9 makes a huge difference on this hand, at least in double dummy world. The modified script is here.
Posted 2015-January-27, 02:56
Posted 2015-January-27, 10:00
kenberg, on 2015-January-26, 18:20, said:
is this better or worse? I think better.
The role of spades is to guard the suit, I hope for tricks from the minors. With the above change, I go to 3NT.
I changed the spade T to a spot and the diamond spot to a T.
The ♦10 is only useful if partner has abnormal length or a combination of high cards associated with abnormal length. Since the mode for the length of the opener's diamond suit is 4, it is very likely that the diamond T is wasted. Since the mode for opener's spade length is 3, and that T is in a longer suit, it is more likely that the ♠10 is better.
Posted 2015-January-27, 13:43
Anyway, thanks. And apologies to the OP for messing with his cards, I just got curious.
Posted 2015-January-27, 15:46
Posted 2015-January-27, 16:11
kenberg, on 2015-January-27, 13:43, said:
Anyway, thanks. And apologies to the OP for messing with his cards, I just got curious.
People sometimes accept invites with minimums with 5 card minor.
Posted 2015-January-27, 21:38
whereagles, on 2015-January-27, 15:46, said:
The output is just what the program outputs as raw results. The quoted calculations are for 100,000 hands, but the same code works for 10 hands or 1000 hands or 1,000,000,000 (if you have enough time), so I usually don't round off and let myself and others figure out how many digits are significant.
Posted 2015-January-28, 01:34
First the hand exactly how Kenberg had it. This is A752 K842 KT 752. The results are:
In general, blasting instead of inviting wins you -0.68217.
In general, inviting instead of blasting wins you 0.68217.
When we stay low we would have made game 34036 times (34.036%)
When we stay low we would make 8 exactly 46835 times (46.835%)
When we stay low we would make 7 or fewer exactly 19129 times (19.128999999999998%)
That is much more similar to the turning the spade T into the 9, and makes the invite better than the blast. At least according to double dummy running. So this matches people's idea that the T in the short diamond suit, even though partner might have length there, is not as valuable as in our 4 card spade suit.
I then wondered if part of the problem was Kenberg's treatment also weakened our spots. The spade T became the diamond T but the diamond 5 became the spade 2. So I decided what happens if you keep the spot strength the same, just move things around. Take the original hand and spade T becomes diamond T, diamond 5 becomes heart 5, and heart 4 becomes spade 4. This gives you a hand of A754 K852 KT 752 as at here. As compared to the original AT75 K842 K5 752 both have the same 1 T, 1 8, 2 7s, 3 5s, 1 4, and 2 2s.
In general, blasting instead of inviting wins you -0.70255.
In general, inviting instead of blasting wins you 0.70255.
When we stay low we would have made game 33785 times (33.785%)
When we stay low we would make 8 exactly 46845 times (46.845%)
When we stay low we would make 7 or fewer exactly 19370 times (19.37%)
It is unsurprising that this is virtually the same as the Kenberg hand as all we've done is promoted A752 => A754 and promoted K842 => K852, with the other two suits the same. It is marginally surprising that the hand with the weaker spots took more tricks and scored better, but that is just sample fluctuations.
Lastly, Fluffy asked/joked about changing the ST to the SJ in the original hand to see what that would do. Remember changing the ST to the S9 dropped about 1/6 of a trick on average, and lowered our gain from blasting by about three-quarters of an IMP (from +0.07 IMP to -0.68 IMP). How much better is a J than a T?
In general, blasting instead of inviting wins you 1.7388.
In general, inviting instead of blasting wins you -1.7388.
When we stay low we would have made game 59080 times (59.08%)
When we stay low we would make 8 exactly 32920 times (32.92%)
When we stay low we would make 7 or fewer exactly 8000 times (8.0%)
So the J over the T is worth more than 1/3 of a trick on average, as this is about +0.366 tricks (consider that 1 hcp = 0.325 tricks if 40 hcp = 13 tricks, so this is a little better than expected by strict hcp). By IMPs we go from blasting being only quite marginally positive to a huge +1.7 IMP positive. Unsurprising given we go from making game only around 42% of the time to 59% of the time! So a J above a T is about or slightly more than twice as good as a T over a 9. But, surely, everyone would know to blast game with this hand as an 11 count opposite 14-16.
Posted 2015-January-28, 02:23
I expected the Jack over 10 ratio to be similar to the 0 over 10, 2 times the difference not really expected.
Posted 2015-January-29, 08:08
Posted 2015-January-29, 14:15
32-board team match, IMPs.
This would be easy if partner had replied 2M, or if you were vulnerable...