Now what? If it matters:
1. 1♣ is the only strong bid in our system and shows 16+; 1NT would have been 14-16 balanced.
2. 3nt or four of a suit from partner would've been natural and game forcing (we don't play anything special here).
3. Double is game forcing takeout, although obviously partner is under pressure and may be a bit off-shape or under-strength (normally not both though).
Suggestions as to methods here are welcome too (perhaps there is some advantage to transfers or switch?), but I am more interested in the bidding judgement problem. Basically:
1. Is this hand worth trying for slam even though that would bypass 4♥?
2. How much concern is there about strain given that partner could certainly have only three hearts in this sort of pressure auction?
3. Given that partner has made a takeout double and we have only one spade, what is going on? Should we be more concerned than usual about partner being off-shape?
I will also mention that partner took an off-beat view here and his actual hand may not be very enlightening. However I thought it was an interesting problem from my side of the table.