Cyberyeti, on 2014-April-14, 09:35, said:
OK, so you bid 5♣, the 4♠ bidder bids 5♦, partner doubles, RHO bids 5♠ I presume you pass and partner is in the hot seat with:
xx, 109x, KQxx, K10xx
Any suggestions ?
Yes, with a void in spades you (South) should pass the decision to partner over 5
♠. You have told your story.
I think 6
♣ by partner (North) is a good bid.
The same can not be said for DBL. Do you really expect them to go down two?
Partner can reasonably expect one defensive trick in diamonds, but we need three.
RHO opponent probably has at least 11 cards in spades and diamonds, but I think 7
♦ not unlikely now.
So even if you hold 2 aces as you do, that will be worth just one trick.
Double is premature.
♣ is not unlikely to make from North (xx, 109x, KQxx, K10xx) perspective, since any missing secondary honor in our suits are very likely onside.
South would have doubled with two cards in spades after North doubled 5
♦, so may well hold a void in spades.
Anyway 6
♣ can not be hurt much and 5
♠ will often make.
It is not a case where the five level belongs to the opponents.
I am prepared to give them 100 when we could have got 100, but I do not want to be on the losing side if either 5
♠ or 6
♣ makes.
It is really a case of "when in doubt bid one more".
North should be in doubt and take out insurance.
Rainer Herrmann