c_corgi, on 2013-October-04, 12:27, said:
If a player has a genuine problem he is likely to break tempo.
If a player does not have a genuine problem he is only likely to break tempo if he fails to realise that he doesn't have a problem.
Therefore if a player breaks tempo the chances of him having a genuine problem are increased.
Okay so far.
In the OP case, he only has a genuine problem if his values are offensive, so the BIT increases the chances of his values being offensive.
Flight A players? Recognized partnership? Used to playing against non-natural systems?
I would guess that 90% of Flight A in my neighbourhood have never discussed this auction, never mind how things change by a passed hand. I would guess that 80% of Flight A in my neighbourhood have never thought about this auction, and have no idea, even meta-agreements they like to play, what double means.
In this area, the person has a problem - he wants to not play 3
♣ undoubled, but doesn't know whether to defend, or insist on spades, or sit for hearts. I'm quite certain he doesn't know what 3
♦ will be taken as, and the difference between that and X.
Got all that worked out? Good. How much time have you hitched for? Would you have taken the same amount of time trying to work this out with KTxxx Axx x KT9x?
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)