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6-5 come alive... what about 7-5? ATB

#1 User is offline   ahydra 

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Posted 2012-May-28, 15:15

More ATB for you. This one is from the Cadets and Intermediates championship and we got a bottom (MPs, small field) for this.

Opps playing weak NT 4cM. 3D = weak jump overcall

I was West and thought my hand was better suited to defence. 5D/5H are stone cold and 3S was only one off. :/ Did I misvalue my hand, or should partner have done more with his 7-5?



#2 User is offline   rduran1216 

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Posted 2012-May-28, 18:15

West's pass is unheard of. 3D may not be everyone's cup of T either, but pass of 3S is awful.
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Posted 2012-May-28, 18:27

I don't like 3 but West in on N/S's team.
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Posted 2012-May-28, 19:32

Not sure what's worse: East making a weak jump shift with a 5 loser hand with a 5 card heart suit or West passing with his strong NT. Double perhaps?

Even a michaels cuebid is a better start for East's hand - both bids are absurd.

vvvv yeah, but LTC is simplistic. I'm just making the point that P doesn't have to have much to make 5D or 4H ice cold, and if it's a misfit you need to let partner in on this ASAP so he can defend spades X'ed. The guys from partnership bidding at bridge advocate specific 2 suiter overcalls here and I like it for exactly this reason.

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Posted 2012-May-28, 20:10

First off, a quote from a BridgeWinners post: "7-5, I'm taking the dive".

Second, I honestly could never play with West again, sorry mate. Even if you swapped Diamonds and Spades, I would still support partner.

Third, saying it's a 5-loser hand is a tad optimistic, but 3 is also very pessimistic. That Heart suit is pretty ratty, I would just bid 2 planning on rebidding 3.
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Posted 2012-May-28, 20:23

The 3 bid is bad in several ways: 1) a side though anemic 5-card suit will be lost, 2) The loser count is too low, and 3)the AK are valuable on defense.

West should reason that a raise to 4 is about right if partner has the traditional 6 winners at this vulnerability. Not speaking is not an option. However opposite a disciplined East I would only bid 4 not 5.

Holding East's cards I would make the Michaels Cue bid. Yes, the suit is awful, but it is about right on playing strength and will get us to at the right level when that's the right strain. If partner bids 2N to ask, I am bidding 4. Partner will know what to do.
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Posted 2012-May-28, 22:41

The West hand heard partner make a vulnerable WJO. As long as partner doesn't do this on AKxxxx, i.e. if partner has AK to 7, which I would expect, then West can count 10 rock solid tricks. It is true that if the opponents cash the first 2 spades (as seems likely), and if partner has no other useful cards, then you might end up relying on a heart finesse into the opening bidder for the 11th trick. That is the worst case though, so bidding 5 seem right to me. If you do habitually make vulnerable weak jumps on AK to 6 then I guess it is not so clear.

The East hand is obviously unusual, I don't much like 3 (which you would bid with these diamonds and less extreme shape), it is a committal bid that describes a hand you don't really have. If you want to give up on the hearts then 5 or even maybe 4 seem better. Otherwise showing a 2-suiter, or even just bidding 2, are possible too.
That's impossible. No one can give more than one hundred percent. By definition that is the most anyone can give.

#8 User is offline   ahydra 

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Posted 2012-May-29, 02:39

Would X of 3S not be penalty? (c.f. opening 3D-3S-X) I was waiting to double 4S, but never got the chance :(

Partner would WJO on a 6-card suit, something like x xxx AK10xxx xxx would be fine (but minimum).


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Posted 2012-May-29, 07:18

West should definitely compete to 4 according to the law of total tricks.

However, I think that East also underbid. He should bid 2, if South continues to bid, West should cue-bid to show interest (a simple raise would show no values and 4 s, but not a strong hand).

#10 User is offline   han 

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Posted 2012-May-29, 09:26

I would bid 2D with the east hand and if the bidding comes back to me at 3S I would bid 4H.

It wouldn't come that far though because west should bid something.
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#11 User is offline   ahydra 

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Posted 2012-May-29, 10:47

Thanks for all the opinions on this. It raised a lot of discussion at the table as well.

Full hand:

A different bid from East certainly would have made my life easier:

* If East bids 2S (Michaels) it goes 1S-2S-3S, now I go 4H as West and North may put in 4S (but would probably pass), so problem solved. If North does go 4S then East has a clear 5D, I correct to 5H for a joint top.

* If East bids 2D it goes 1S-2D-2S. That makes my life easy as West - I have a clear X (3S to show a good D raise is just plain ugly). North bids 3S but the heart fit's found now so we can't fail to get to the top spot.

But the more I think about it, on the actual auction I should have raised to 4D. My partner said he probably have then bid 5D over 4S, but passed over a pass from North. +150 unfortunately still gets us a bottom.


#12 User is offline   ArtK78 

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Posted 2012-May-29, 10:52

If East bid a vulnerable 2 Michaels cue bid, then 4 by the West hand would be an underbid.

What contract would you like to play opposite:


And that is not much of a Michaels bid.

5 by West, if understood as asking for a spade control, would not be an unreasonable call.

It turns out that due to the unexpected duplication in values (AK of clubs opposite void) slam is a poor contract. But, even so, it is not a zero contract.

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