rogerclee, on 2012-May-02, 23:26, said:
This was a textbook hand from the US team trials, see if you play this one carefully.
Trick 1 goes
♠4 - 2 - 9 - Q
♠4 = attitude lead
interesting hand I would try the following
spade Q
club A
club Q if clubs break no worse than 42*
dia K
dia A if dia break no worse than 42** we
are cold by cashing out dia (if they are 33)
then clubs (if they are 33) then leading a low
heart toward hand covering rho play.
*If clubs are 51 and rho has the clubs
cash 2 rounds of dia ending in dummy
and lead a low heart toward hand covering
rho card. If lho returns a heart or spade
we have 9 so they must continue dia--we win
and if suit breaks 33 we have 9 if not we
throw in lho and endplay them.
*if LHO has the 5 clubs cash 2 rounds of dia ending
in dummy and lead low heart covering rho card.
if lho continues dia (they split 33) or hearts or
spades u make so they return a club. win and return
another heart from dummy covering rho card. Lho must win
this else u have 9 tricks but they are then exhausted
of hearts and dia and must give u trick 9 with a spade
after cashing their 2 clubs.
** if dia are 51 and rho has the dia.
cash the club K (if suit breaks 33 we have 9)
if lho has length lead the 4th club and endplay lho
if rho has the club length lead a low heart
covering rho card immediately endplaying lho.
** if dia are 51 and lho has the dia play the
club K (if suit breaks 33 we have 9) then a dia
to hand and another dia. lho wins and can cash
their dia (we pitch a heart) but they must then
lead a spade or heart and we have 9.
The above depends on the opening lead from 4+ spades
if that assumption is wrong all bets are off:)