When will I ever learn...
Posted 2012-May-02, 17:40
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-May-02, 20:20
If i double LHO a) bids 3Nt and after prds ♠ lead takes 9 tricks via ♦ finesse making satanic chuckling noises since we could have take first 8 tricks if prd launches his K of ♣ to the first trick. Variation b) LHO passes and prd jumps to 4 ♠ with his 5341 hand and 9 hcp. and LHO nails our coffin close by dbl.
My choice would be 4♣ its a six card suit and over 4 ♦ if that is ever bid i can introduce my 4 card ♥. I know its not perfect solution and maybe not even best, but that is IMO this time
Posted 2012-May-02, 20:28
I really dislike the club bid, that seems to be aiming for an awfully small upside with a really big possible downside attached, so I stopped considering it fairly quickly. At first blush I was thinking take-out double. But we're vulnerable, partner is a passed hand, and the 3♦ bidder's partner is unlimited. Add in the fact that I'm minimum HCP wise, have less than perfect shape, and that I would feel really uncomfortable if partner bid spades or no trump or passed for penalty, and I'm starting to lean toward pass.
I've talked myself into passing. It could turn out wrong; in fact, I would not be surprised if it was a minority position or a losing strategy at MPs/Imps/whatever. I really would like to see someone sim this out, giving RHO 7 diamonds and something that looks like a 2nd seat white preempt, and constraining partner to be a passed hand (no 6 card majors/diamond suits, reasonably aggressive openings which include all 12 counts and most shapely 11 counts) and see how the obvious choices fare.
Posted 2012-May-02, 21:33
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-May-02, 21:37
with tough hands x or cuebid often helps alot.....
Posted 2012-May-02, 21:53
Posted 2012-May-02, 23:15
Phil, on 2012-May-02, 21:33, said:
I didn't.
I doubled and partner bid 4♠ Actually, the hand wasn't as bad as I first thought.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-May-03, 04:00
Posted 2012-May-03, 05:11
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-May-03, 05:23
Posted 2012-May-03, 05:50
broze, on 2012-May-03, 05:23, said:
Kind of a rude reply, no? She opened the thread because she doubled but she wasn't sure whether it was correct. In other words, it was not obvious to her.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-May-03, 05:54
I am quite convinced that about any 13 is a double here while he says it's marginal at best and he probably would pass many 13's here.
For example those hands:
AQxx AQxx Jx xxx
AQxx AQxx xx Jxx
AQxx AQxx xx Qxx
They all looks like easy double to me. Thoughts ?
Posted 2012-May-03, 06:03
gwnn, on 2012-May-03, 05:50, said:
You're right. I apologise. Though if I posted every hand containing an action I was a little unsure of, including the ones that worked out well, I'd be creating hundreds of topics every month.
Posted 2012-May-03, 06:36
broze, on 2012-May-03, 06:03, said:
You're welcome to create as many topics as you like. It's a free country. There are some people who perhaps open too many threads, but there aren't too many.
George Carlin
Guesses from another learner:
IMO Double = 10, 4♣ = 7. Pass = 6, 5♣ = 5 3N = 2