Statto, on 2012-April-17, 18:16, said:
1. I like X too.
2. I'll duck the opening lead to give opps a chance to make a helpful trump switch. Either way, I then hope to play trumps for 1 loser by starting with small from dummy towards the 8, and aim to establish the ♥ by ruffing. Hopefully I have enough entries to dummy to do this. I think this works whenever ♦ are no worse than 3-1, ♥ no worse than 4-2, and ♦KQ or stiff ♦9 are not offside.
I'm wondering whether if your intention is diamond to the 8, you should win the first spade, then play
♥AK before touching trumps. The third of the 4-2 breaks where the Q drops allows you to switch horses and play the A
♦ next if it drops on your L.
I don't see that it's very likely that you will get a trump switch from any useful holding (and opps can choose who wins the spade) if you duck.