CSGibson, on 2012-April-16, 02:24, said:
does opener tend to have longer clubs than diamonds, or would he bid this way with 5-4 either way? That actually impacts my decision greatly. If my expectation is that partner is 1-3-5-4 with a non-minimum, I'd be inclined to bid 4♦ & go from there. If partner can also have 1-3-4-5 with a high frequency, I'd probably just bid 3♦.
By the way, I am discounting 2-2-5-4 and 1-4-4-4 shapes because I believe (with a heart stop) that opener would tend to treat the first as balanced, either opening or rebidding NT, and that with the 2nd that partner would bid out his shape with 3♥ over 2♥. If either assumption is incorrect, then my plan may change a bit.
So if you go this route and cue bidding commwences, what is going to make you want to bid slam? Obviously partner will need a heart control, so 4H from him is a must or we sign off in 5D. But is the heart control enough for you to keycard? Or would you continue cueing? How do you feel after 4D-4H-4S-5C? If partners club control is the ace, this is nice, but the king and/or all other lower club honor's could be wasted.
In response to your question, partner could be 1345, but probably cant hold every such 1345 permutation as there are some he would bid/rebid clubs and some he would bid clubs/NT.