So I'm directing a local bridge game while I sit on here, and get called to the table
At trick 10 west led a spade, and south, declaring 3 diamonds, ruffs with the 10 of diamonds, then leads back the Ace of spades to trick 11. After its all settled the result is 3 diamonds down 5
3 Rounds later I get called to the table, and on the exact same board, in the exact same contract and situation, south ruffed the spade lead with the diamond 10 and led the A of spades to trick 11.
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Unheard of directing story
Posted 2012-March-25, 02:22
If that was the only way to make the contract, is it surprising that two declarers found it?
Posted 2012-March-25, 17:51
Great minds revoke alike
A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem Albert Einstein
Posted 2012-March-25, 18:06
Not had that, but on consecutive sessions of the same monthly tournament, I had opponents fail to follow to a suit on the first round, fail to follow to the second round then realise they had a card in the suit.
Posted 2012-March-26, 09:51
One director's instructions: "If you're going to revoke, your opponents *will* notice if you lead that suit to the next trick. If you wait a few tricks, they might have forgotten..."
And a player - who is very much not noted for this kind of sense of humour at the table, especially not at the opponents' expense: "Our opponents have invented a novel method of crossruffing. West led a diamond that East ruffed, and then East led a diamond that West ruffed." (Please note, the opponents were exactly the pair to phrase it that way against. She *still* apologized to them afterward.)
And a player - who is very much not noted for this kind of sense of humour at the table, especially not at the opponents' expense: "Our opponents have invented a novel method of crossruffing. West led a diamond that East ruffed, and then East led a diamond that West ruffed." (Please note, the opponents were exactly the pair to phrase it that way against. She *still* apologized to them afterward.)
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)
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