1C-(1S)-2H-(2S) Opener's rebid
Posted 2012-February-09, 00:31
2H is forcing one round, 10+ points and 5+ hearts.
Is this a Good/Bad 2NT situation?
We have explicitly agreed that after 1D-(1S)-2C-(2S), showing the same values, Good/Bad is on. (With some reluctance, on my partner's part.) But somehow this one feels different. I don't know why.
Any thoughts?
Posted 2012-February-09, 00:42
But we do need to distinguish between a hand with extras and long clubs, versus a weaker one with long clubs.
This leaves a double of the spade raise for something like 2-1-4-6.
Posted 2012-February-09, 04:39
2NT + 3♥ = min
straight 3♥ = extras
straight 4♥ = picture bid (good min, hcp all in hearts/clubs)
Posted 2012-February-09, 04:43
3♥=bad 3♥ bid
is also an option. I don't like clubs as much as aguahombre.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-February-09, 05:00
As I may have mentioned once or twice before, transfers are better than any of these methods. For example:
2NT = clubs, competitive or game-forcing
3♣ = diamonds (game-forcing in this auction, but not after a 1♦ opening)
3♦ = heart support, competitive or game-forcing
3♥ = heart support, exactly invitational
3♠ = whatever you like
You might prefer to play 3♦ as invitational+ and 3♥ as competitive. Regardless of the details, this gives you two heart raises, a way to compete with clubs, a way to game-force with clubs, and a way to show diamonds. All of this and you're not vulnerable to preemption - if you have a game-force, you transfer and then double; if you're just competitive, you transfer and then don't double.
Posted 2012-February-09, 06:51
1C - (Dbl) - 1H - (2S)
1C - (1S) - Dbl - (2S)
You could also play some sort of transfer lebensohl here:
2NT = clubs any strength or weak with diamonds.
3C = diamonds, at least invitational strength.
3D = hearts, at least invitational.
3H = hearts, minimal.
To honor gwnn I will from now on refer to this as Romanian lebensohl.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-February-09, 06:56
han, on 2012-February-09, 06:51, said:
1C - (Dbl) - 1H - (2S)
1C - (1S) - Dbl - (2S)
You could also play some sort of transfer lebensohl here:
2NT = clubs any strength or weak with diamonds.
3C = diamonds, at least invitational strength.
3D = hearts, at least invitational.
3H = hearts, minimal.
To honor gwnn I will from now on refer to this as Romanian lebensohl.
I suggested 2NT=good 3♥ bid (when we bid hearts and they got to 2♠) a year or two ago, finally people listen.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-February-09, 09:30
Will have to run that idea by a couple of partners, who may or may not believe in it.
Posted 2012-February-09, 12:07
gnasher, on 2012-February-09, 05:00, said:
Perhaps Gwnn's suggestion is best, but no one thus far has suggested that GB in this context leave doubt about the strain. The difference is Gwnn prefers 3 ways to show support for responder's heart suit, where I choose only two and allocate 2NT to the club suit.
This seems to give partner a better idea of what to do when the opponents bid more and we have a club fit, and pretty much the same idea of what to do if we have a heart fit.
Posted 2012-February-09, 13:12
aguahombre, on 2012-February-09, 12:07, said:
This seems to give partner a better idea of what to do when the opponents bid more and we have a club fit, and pretty much the same idea of what to do if we have a heart fit.
No one except whereagles.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-February-10, 07:44
Posted 2012-February-12, 01:00
Siegmund, on 2012-February-09, 09:30, said:
Will have to run that idea by a couple of partners, who may or may not believe in it.
Stick around the forums and you will see every thread go something like:
2N=good raise (
Then Gnasher will say:
If you play that, you might as well play transfers!

Posted 2012-February-12, 01:07