Vampyr, on 2011-November-07, 12:44, said:
OK, a mid-session break in which coffee, tea and biscuits are laid on. Nice at social events, presumably not used in serious events because they are normally insecure.
On the substantive issue of the hospitality break or lack thereof, I noted that in Gavin Wolpert excellent
Road to Victory video series on he made several references to "hospitality breaks" in the Silodor Open Pairs at the most recent Spring Nationals so I guess the ACBL has these sort of breaks in some serious events, but I'd never heard of the term before I watched Gavin's video series.
On the hand itself, does the 2
♥ bid promise 5-5 or 5-4? For most people I would presume the latter, so why would East want to play in a 4-3
♦ fit at the 3-level when he has a known 5-2
♥ at the 2-level which is almost certainly going to be taken out by South to
♠ anyway? The question is, did the UI of the Stop card demonstrably suggest the 2NT bid? I think not, as the action demonstrably suggested is "pass" (as opined by the OP). We then need to consider if there were any logical alternatives for East which would've been less successful and I would suggest that if 2
♥ only promises 5-4, there really isn't any logical alternative to "pass". East-West stumbled upon a good result here as a result of the combination of East pulling out the non-systemic and undiscussed 2NT bid in a misguided attempt to be actively ethical and South failing to mention his
♠ suit at any of his several opportunities. If 2
♥ promised only 5-4, table result stands.
Conversely, if 2
♥ promises 5-5 then 3
♦ could be a logical alternative for East showing a willingness to compete to 4
♣ in a 10-card fit; although it wouldn't be my ultimate choice it would at least be in my contemplations. So in that sceanrio, I would do a poll of East's peers or make my own assessment of his bridge ability and style, and if 3
♦ pops-up as an LA I'm going to try to predict how the auction may have progressed after 3
♦. What was South's 1NT range?
Disclaimer: The above post may be a half-baked sarcastic rant intended to stimulate discussion and it does not necessarily coincide with my own views on this topic.
I ♦ bidding the suit below the suit I'm actually showing not to be described as a "transfer" for the benefit of people unfamiliar with the concept of a transfer