Posted 2011-October-06, 01:54
I won't really comment on the bidding, other than that you should be wary about bidding 5/4 with an 8 card trump fit, especially with no particularly redeeming features of your hand. That said, your analysis of the hand was inaccurate:
Play a heart. If south covers, win in dummy, ruff a spade high, club to the jack, ruff a spade high, heart to dummy and claim.
If south doesn't cover, ruff a spade, club to dummy, ruff a spade, high heart, club to dummy, draw the last trump and claim.
If the defense shifts to either black suit instead of a trump, the result is obviously the same. They must force dummy with a diamond ruff to beat you, because then the clubs are tangled.
(Edit: Originally thought you needed to play the ten of hearts, but you don't.)