gnasher, on 2010-November-18, 07:23, said:
If West unguards clubs, we throw a club, cross to ♣A, cash ♠K throwing a diamond, and cross back to ♦A.
If West unguards diamonds, we throw a diamond, cross to ♦K, cash ♠K throwing a club, and cross back to ♦A.
If West unguards diamonds, we throw a diamond, cross to ♦K, cash ♠K throwing a club, and cross back to ♦A.
I assume you mean east?! West discards spades.
rhm, on 2010-November-18, 10:10, said:
True, I wanted to make this point as well, but the compound squeeze is admittedly of the restricted variety, where you have to make your decision after playing the penultimate ♥.
Is that not always the drawback of a compound squeeze that we have to guess what suit he abandoned? Since we need to cash the winners in that suit before playing the squeeze card.