No synchronized comments in BBO archive .lin files how to fix that ?
Posted 2006-August-14, 03:58
One who wants to view a BBO archive .lin file (for instance
will get totally not synchronized comments.
I would like to correct my .lin files, and I need help.
I want to work first on the 5 files of the European Championship first day :
(Please, let us forget the additionnal problem of the Poland-Belgium match which comes in 2 files, one with an uncomplete closed room and another with an uncomplete open room).
I will try to understand how to distribute correctly all comment lines to the right match, board and room.
Any help about precising what goes wrong with comment archiving, and what should be right, will be very much appreciated.
Posted 2006-August-14, 05:45
Posted 2006-August-14, 05:55
Posted 2006-August-14, 08:16
geller, on Aug 14 2006, 11:55 AM, said:
Thanks for interesting information, Geller.
I have now an Excel files with the 3589 comment lines of the 1st segment 5 matches. The first column is for the match number (1 to 5), the second for the board (closed or open 1 to 20) and the third for the comment.
I sorted it by commentators' names. Here is a short sample of it :
match board comment
4 c10 berny75: come mi pare che abbia giocato luks
5 o10 berny75: come mi pare che abbia giocato luks
4 c4 berny75: conto male 13 prese?
5 o4 berny75: conto male 13 prese?
4 c8 berny75: credo che il computer stia impazzendo.. sarebbe comparso che...
5 o8 berny75: credo che il computer stia impazzendo.. sarebbe comparso che...
4 c3 berny75: forse 3 cuori..
5 o3 berny75: forse 3 cuori..
4 c7 berny75: forse avevano un esaurimento nervoso da fiori
5 o7 berny75: forse avevano un esaurimento nervoso da fiori
4 c2 berny75: gian perchè non spieghi come funzionerà a tutti i nostri spettatori..
5 o2 berny75: gian perchè non spieghi come funzionerà a tutti i nostri spettatori..
And another one with the 3867 comment lines of the 2nd segment 4 matches. Here is a sample :
2 o9 dinos1: better if N switched to @h earlier
3 o9 dinos1: better if N switched to @h earlier
4 o9 dinos1: better if N switched to @h earlier
2 o1 dinos1: bot M's and max of prev pass
3 o1 dinos1: bot M's and max of prev pass
4 o1 dinos1: bot M's and max of prev pass
2 o9 dinos1: but 3@d make them to bid 3@s
3 o9 dinos1: but 3@d make them to bid 3@s
4 o9 dinos1: but 3@d make them to bid 3@s
2 o2 dinos1: cash 1 trump - then lead @s
3 o2 dinos1: cash 1 trump - then lead @s
4 o2 dinos1: cash 1 trump - then lead @s
2 o17 dinos1: depends what doubleton has W: Ax or Qx is ok
3 o17 dinos1: depends what doubleton has W: Ax or Qx is ok
4 o17 dinos1: depends what doubleton has W: Ax or Qx is ok
Posted 2006-August-14, 08:41
-Bob Geller
Posted 2006-August-14, 10:16
I ordered the matches from 1 to 4 (BTW I merged the 2 half-matches Poland-Belgium, and reduced the file number to 4 instead of 5) on an arbitrary basis. As a matter of fact I don't know which match came actually first, i.e for which match the comment entered into the buffer first.
-------------New sample------------
Poland-Belgium open room board 15 2hplus4: Before switching to spades
Italy-Estonia open room board 15 2hplus4: Before switching to spades
Poland-Belgium open room board 2 2hplus4: Can make all 13 tricks without a heart lead.
Italy-Estonia open room board 2 2hplus4: Can make all 13 tricks without a heart lead.
Poland-Belgium open room board 10 2hplus4: Doesn't matter whether declarer ducks...
Italy-Estonia open room board 10 2hplus4: Doesn't matter whether declarer ducks...
Poland-Belgium open room board 9 2hplus4: Even playing 5 card Stayman
Italy-Estonia open room board 9 2hplus4: Even playing 5 card Stayman
Posted 2006-August-14, 12:24
Poland-Belgium : comments OK in both rooms
Italy-Estonia : open room repeats Poland-Belgium open room comments (actual comments are lost)
closed room : OK
Ireland-Netherland : boths rooms comments are OK
Denmark-France : open rooms repeats Ireland-Netherland close room comments (actual comments are lost)
closed room : OK
About the 2nd segment matches : Poland-Belarus seems to have comments OK.
For the other matches, some comments repeat other matches (and even matches of the 1st segment), some actual comments are lost for ever.
Nothing is worth to be done. A real pity.
Posted 2006-August-14, 13:38
Maybe uday can tell you more at this point.
Posted 2006-August-14, 22:09
Walddk, on Aug 14 2006, 07:38 PM, said:
Maybe uday can tell you more at this point.
Hi, Roland.
Perhaps you can help me to confirm that nothing can be done to repair the archived files, telling me the alias of the commentators who commented the first day of the European Championship in the four broadcasted matches :
Poland-Belgium, Italy-Estonia, Ireland-Netherland, Denmark-France.
With the alias I will have the confirmation that some comments are lost for ever in the archived files.
For instance I think I noted right that :
in Poland-Belgium (open room) spoke : hedyg, jeanhari, 2hplus4, nigel, granguru, henryb, walddk1 and vugraph9.
in Poland-Belgium (closed room) : wojela, michal1, megi1, jolakrog, vugraph8, mlodybog, zohha.
(btw for this match all comments were archived).
I should need the same information for the other three matches of that day, especially Italy-Estonia open room and Denmark-France open room.
Posted 2006-August-15, 01:18
Erkson, on Aug 15 2006, 06:09 AM, said:
sommer, jcmax, nohr07, thorvald, begse, Walddk2.
With "only" 5 accounts I can't be at 8 tables, so Italy v Estonia, open room, I can't tell you about. We had Italian commentary there.
As to the other matches you mention I will try to help you when I get some time after the last match Tuesday.
Posted 2006-August-15, 01:39
Walddk, on Aug 15 2006, 07:18 AM, said:
Erkson, on Aug 15 2006, 06:09 AM, said:
sommer, jcmax, nohr07, thorvald, begse, Walddk2.
With "only" 5 accounts I can't be at 8 tables, so Italy v Estonia, open room, I can't tell you about. We had Italian commentary there.
As to the other matches you mention I will try to help you when I get some time after the last match Tuesday.
Many thanks, Roland.
Your information about Denmark-France confirms my conclusions :
some comments are overwritten and lost for ever by the archiving program.
I had the hope that the missing comments could be in some other file, but they are nowhere.
sommer, jcmax, nohr07, thorvald, begse don't appear in Denmark-France (nor in any of the 4 archived matches that day).
(Walddk2 appears in Italy-Estonia, probably because he/you can make brief apparitions in several matches. Not a counterproof).
No need for other confirmation.
Posted 2006-August-15, 07:34
some comments are overwritten and lost for ever by the archiving program.
I had the hope that the missing comments could be in some other file, but they are nowhere.
Posted 2006-August-15, 22:34
geller, on Aug 15 2006, 01:34 PM, said:
Good idea, Geller.
But my idea was not to get this or that comment for myself begging for them all through BBO land.
I remember how hard it has been to get not the comments but the .lin files themselves from spectators' computers when BBO, not so long ago, didn't archive them !
More, in the chat files the number of the board which is commented is not indicated. The automated indication of at least the board numbers is a wish (and also the match names).
I understand that implementing these features requires time.
Anyway, this thread had for me an interest : I thought that comments were "un-synchronized" (I meant present but shifted), but they are not, they are overwritten.
Posted 2006-August-16, 02:13