Given the limitations of the system for bidding very strong hands, is there a way to find 6♦ or 6NT (could West bid 4♦ over 3NT as a slam try)? I'm guessing a strong club system would work much better here with the bidding space it provides.
Can you bid the slam?
Posted Today, 05:49
Given the limitations of the system for bidding very strong hands, is there a way to find 6♦ or 6NT (could West bid 4♦ over 3NT as a slam try)? I'm guessing a strong club system would work much better here with the bidding space it provides.
Posted Today, 07:00
That said I think it should start 2♦-3♦-4♦ and now cue bidding and W's avoidance of BW/KB and positive response will tell E he has ♦KQ and a heart card to reach 6.
Posted Today, 07:39
2N-3♠ SI minor
4♠ odd KCs, K♠ - 6♦ all KCs Q♦
6N counting 12 tricks
In fact I had a similar hand the other day playing Acol with an experienced pickup partner and opened 2♣. Unfortunately after 2N they didn't have the 3♠ bid to start the slam try in ♣. Partner had 2 Aces and a singleton, but bid 2♦. 6N makeable.
Posted Today, 08:50
mw64ahw, on 2025-January-24, 07:39, said:
2N-3♠ SI minor
4♠ odd KCs, K♠ - 6♦ all KCs Q♦
6N counting 12 tricks
In fact I had a similar hand the other day playing Acol with an experienced pickup partner and opened 2♣. Unfortunately after 2N they didn't have the 3♠ bid to start the slam try in ♣. Partner had 2 Aces and a singleton, but bid 2♦. 6N makeable.
It occurs to me going for diamonds from the start (as I did too) could be wrong, if the west hand is QJ10x, Kx, KQxxxx, x you are off if the diamonds don't break, 6♠ only requires one of the suits to break
Similarly from W's pov, partner could have AQx, KQJx, Axxx, Ax which is 12 in NT or ♦ but 13 in hearts
Posted Today, 09:27
AL78, on 2025-January-24, 05:49, said:
Given the limitations of the system for bidding very strong hands, is there a way to find 6♦ or 6NT (could West bid 4♦ over 3NT as a slam try)? I'm guessing a strong club system would work much better here with the bidding space it provides.
The auction developed brilliantly, ... 3NT is just garbage, opener sees a 9-10 card fit and 31+HCP,
what is stopping him from showing the fit? (*)
3NT basically says, I happen to hold a shortage in diamonds, 4441 (or 5431 ) come to mind, and you bid 3NT, and
this ends the auction, and responder without a sure fit makes a sensible decision by passing it out.
System has nothing to do with it.
(*) I dont understand the alert of 3D nat. or AK? Does this means, 3D could be bid on AK alone? If this is an option,
I would say this is not playable, either go with natural suits or with controls.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted Today, 09:40
AL78, on 2025-January-24, 05:49, said:
Come and play Precision with me.
2♦ 3♦ 3nt is an awful start to a strong auction. I obviously don't play Benji Acol but isn't Benji 2♦ 25+, Benji 2♣ 23-24?
Anyway, west can move over any strong definition of 2D, but change the system!
Posted Today, 11:28
P_Marlowe, on 2025-January-24, 09:27, said:
I would say this is not playable, either go with natural suits or with controls.
It is natural and wasn't alerted at the table, I just put it in the auction in order to give full details of what the bids show. A positive response means an A and a K or 8+ HCP.
Posted Today, 11:38
Benji Acol or American style, 2m-3♦. I assume that's not random 8 with quacks and a 9-fifth suit? 3NT shows a distinct lack of imagination. Sure, if it shows 22-24 balanced, passing with 9-anna-void, and a good suit even for 3♦, also shows a distinct lack of imagination (but if 4♦ might be passed by partner, I'm not sure what to do, except maybe 6♦ punt). If it specifically implies bad diamonds, well, KQxxxx might still be enough.
Posted Today, 12:01
jillybean, on 2025-January-24, 09:40, said:
How does Precision go after my 2♠ interference showing 5+ card spades and a 4 card minor and how does it differ from the same auction but with a minimum 1♣?
Sure it can be made to work, but our 22-23 "balanced" opening still looks Precise.
Posted Today, 13:17
________ 2♣ (strong)
2♠(a suit) - 2NT (bid it in transfer)
3♣ (6+♦ >=KQ) - 3♦ (fix)
3♥ - 3♠
3N (♠) - 4♣
4♠ - 5♣ (♣, odd keycards)
5♠ - 6N