The question is what did go wrong. Many commentators point that they do not show minors without serious intentions. I couldn't agree more. Most bidding systems have many ways and opportunies to show support to a major, but very few chances to support a minor. I completely disagree that north should bid 3♣ instead of 3♦, since the suit is far too weak. You can't be happy start a slam auction with so bad suit. 3♥ I don't know, because south has to support clubs sooner or later. If partner settles to 3NT, then you can happily, I assume, bid 4♣ . What is the difference between a direct support and deferred I don't know in this context. I add that after 3♦ south has to take north seriously, you just can't bid minors spuriously, what if partner supports the minor. What went was south forgot to support partner in time. 3 ♥ was a calculated risk, but then you have to be able land on your feet, which didn't happen.
Some of the comments Caprera wrote made me think he wasn't playing with Annie, because we have learned from previous threads that she is a capable player, Caprera should always assume so to avoid a mess like this.