mike777, on 2024-December-30, 18:36, said:
Let's go back to my 4h bid, what does that show?
Answer, weak hand, 5+ H, preemptive bid.
I can't have 2 Aces. I could have zero. If the partners are not agreeing to this, nothing else really matters ❤️
Edit I see you would happily bid 4C with this hand. Clearly on a different wavelength..
Different evaluation of the West hand perhaps: even though weak in HCP I see it as very offensive in distribution and controls and I already balked at bidding it as a generic weak preempt even before North chimed in with spades fit and partner with a diamonds control-bid. Now the hand is huge.
I appreciate that our splinter methods are not mainstream (and even for us I was pushing things to splinter here): with hindsight I might have done better to discuss a 4
♥ bid instead in order to focus on discussion of your methods, although that alters the meaning of my 6
♣ (which after the splinter is now clearly a void).
Gerardo, on 2024-December-30, 17:50, said:
What's your hand?
They seem to have a ♠ fit. In that case, you have a ♠ void.
You don't have the ♣A (bypassed 5♣). That's Good.
You are not just competing, but cuebidding on the way.
♠- ♥KQxxx ♦AK (and 6 more cards) seems like a minimum for this.
Opposite that hand, 6♥ has very good chances, and 7♥ might be there..
Sure, I agree 100% with that and I assume all do.
I wasn't puzzled about hand evaluation but about the agreements behind your bidding methods (and not because I disagree with them but because I simply did not know what they were. I think I'm getting an idea now, see below).
mike777, on 2024-December-30, 18:36, said:
However my 6c bid is clearly a grand slam try and not a sign off in 5H or 6H.
That is why I think the auction has come down to,at this point, not system or conventions but judgement, experience and trust.
OK that helps a lot, thanks. I asked the same question on that other site and got some similar replies too.
Correct me if I still have not understood, but it seems to be that 5
♦ is a slam try effectively saying "Don't worry about diamonds, how are you for slam?" and in reply to that:
♥ is a signoff saying "no way" (for whatever reason)
♣ is a grand slam try effectively saying "Slam is on and don't worry about clubs either, how are you for the grand?"
♥ is a signoff effectively saying "this but no more".
This is quite different from our methods where the same bids make more precise statements about control and are less nuanced in terms of generic interest. In particular 5
♦ denies clubs control, 6
♣ is neither encouraging nor discouraging the grand - it simply commits to the slam and affirms control, 6
♥ after 5
♦ is undefined and would cause an ugly post-mortem.