Posted 2024-November-07, 11:31
As often, systems matter. Every system with which I’m familiar has hands on which it struggles and hands where the methods make getting to the best contract seem easy.
Here, notrump range matters. 15-17…south has a super max and it’ll be hard for the aceless north hand to picture slam. 14-16, now south has the equivalent of 1x then 2N, and has a minimum…north will expect at least thus much (though not specifically so many aces, but they won’t be a surprise).
For me, playing our T-Walsh (with many gadgets)
1C 1D 2N 1C is all balanced hands (no 5 card major) out of range for 1N. 1D shows 4+ hearts and 2N shows a 4 card raise with at least 17 hcp. Now north has reason to get excited.
He has options. 3D transfers to hearts and now 4H is a mild slam try (with no slam interest, we bid 4D over 2N, forcing 4H and now pass…or with a very strong hand, keycard,etc)
Personally, I’d use another gadget…3C over 2N is a relay and opener bids 3H to show a balanced minimum but not 3=4=3=3 (which bids 3N).
North has just enough (I may be being influenced by seeing both hands, but I’m trying to be objective…6=4 hands often play very well especially opposite a hand known to hold four trump and at least one ruffing value…opener is 4432 or 5422) to make one move…3S. Once north makes any move, south should drive to slam. 4 aces opposite even a mild slam try are huge, bearing in mind that opener has limited his hand.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari