This is a hand from yesterday's free daylong matchpoints tourney.
The first few tricks went (*=led card)
West North South East *D5 DA D2 DQ D3 *D10 DK HJ H2 H4 H9 *HA S9 HQ C9 *H10 C6 *D9 DJ HK
At this point I crossed to dummy's last trump, dumped a club on the 8 of diamonds, ruffed my last diamond, and ran my trumps, leaving
I put East on both the Ace of Clubs and King of Spades for their opening, but had to guess whether East's last card was a club (in which case I could drop the king of spades) or a spade (in which case a club lead endplays east). I guessed wrong.
Was there a way to avoid this guess, or a better way to get the 12th trick?