Cyberyeti, on 2021-December-17, 12:09, said:
N at least broke the RA's alert procedure.
I'm not so sure. The procedure (unfortunately) only specifies what the partner of the player making a conventional call should do, not what the player himself should (not) do. His partner has not made a call and therefore (arguably, at least) this procedure is not applicable to him, only to his partner.
If the procedure also said "the player making a call may not give any indication that the call should or should not be alerted or that partner has or has not alerted it" then there would be no ambiguity and this would be a clear infraction.
Cyberyeti, on 2021-December-17, 12:09, said:
EW should have called the director immediately the self alert happened.
barmar, on 2021-December-20, 01:04, said:
N broke 73B:
The self-alert is an extraneous remark, which communicates information about the bid to partner.
Again, not so sure. 73B is a "shall" offence, penalty more often that not: so "communication" is presumably intentional, not just "could have been aware that partner might understand" or "partner might understand, even if the remark was involuntary or an attempt to follow procedure".
N asserts that he was attempting (albeit mistakenly) to follow procedure when he made the alert, after all.
He certainly generated UI, but (if we believe him) this was accidental transmission and it seems like 16B already covers that scenario.
Just stating a doubt here, not saying you are wrong: interested to hear what experienced TDs have to say about this, and 73 in general.
barmar, on 2021-December-20, 01:04, said:
However, there's only damage if N would have misunderstood the bid without the UI. And unless N admits that it helped him, we can't determine that objectively -- the TD has to ask them and decide whether they believe the answer.
I would say there's also damage if S *might* have misunderstood the bid without the UI, but gratefully converged on the only likely artificial meaning thanks to the self alert. In which case he may also have broken 75D2 ("It is a condition of any partnership agreement that both players possess the same mutual understanding, and it is an infraction to describe an agreement where the same mutual understanding does not exist.").
barmar, on 2021-December-20, 01:04, said:
I really dislike the suggestion that we simply assume they have no agreement, and N wouldn't have understood, because they have no system card.
That would be not only unfair but also unworkable, I think.
But it does seem reasonable to deny them the benefit of any doubt, given that they are already violating procedure by not having a card.