thepossum, on 2020-October-15, 20:45, said:
I don't get what is wrong with 2NT invite with the correct point range. Maybe I learned to play Bridge somewhere else where describing a hand failry accurately and early on and not messing about was the norm

A 2NT response eats up a lot of bidding space so it needs to send a fairly precise message. In general, you want to have decent stoppers in every suit, which JT is not really. I would far prefer a 1
♦ response, after which the bidding will continue 2
♠ - 3
♣; 3NT. I am not certain enough of the GIB system to know whether 4
♣ or 4NT is the right bid after that but the chances are that you will end up in 6NT anyway, so while I would not have responded 2NT, in the end it cannot be said to have been a bad decision. GIB's 4
♣ call though; yeah, pretty bad.