We got a complete bottom as 4♠ made. No-one else was in it, the majority were going off in the heart game, stopped in a heart partscore, or let South play in a club partscore.
Double dummy says 4♠ goes one off. Looking at it I can't see how. At the table, we made two club tricks and a heart (declarer did a loser on loser play after running the ♥Q and cashing the ace). When I was in with a club at trick two I think I got off lead with a spade, that doesn't set anything up for us but what does give us a fourth defensive trick? If it is a diamond to knock out an entry at an inconvenient moment, how do I find that given it might blow a trick if declarer holds the ♦Q?
AL78 "Double dummy says 4♠ goes one off. Looking at it I can't see how.
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