In 7♠ I receive the Q♣ lead. I see that I can make it with just one ♦ ruff if ♥ are 3-3, or if trumps are 3-3 with two ♦ ruffs in dummy as I can establish the ♥ with one ruff. But looking at a combined void and singleton I don't fancy such even splits.
It must be better to hope that the A of ♦ is onside. So I pass the KQJ of ♦ pitching a ♣ and two ♥ as both defenders follow. It would have been so much easier if West had just covered with his A.
I now could ruff the fourth round of ♦ and make it if they are 4-4, but again 5-3 is more likely and an overruff looms. So I switch gears and cash the A ♥ followed by AK of trumps. Everyone has followed suit so I try the King ♥ pitching a club as both follow. On the Q♥ I pitch a ♦ as does West.
I lead a trump back to my hand as West pitches a ♣. Now the last trump squeezes West in ♣ and ♦ as it pulls Easts last trump. The full hand:
Well guessed
I'd lead a 4th ♦ in an attempt to ruff out ♦A
When LHO followed low, however, I would ruff with ♠K,
That would be my 13th trick, if trumps had broken.
But since trumps are 4-2, I would go down.