straube, on 2017-October-11, 20:56, said:
So at worst 1S-2C is 1552?
Not sure I like the 2-way nature of the 2D response though it would frequently work out. Have you run it through the 24 hands? I'd be curious to see how it does.
Yes, 1552 is forced to bid 2
Compare to your method this wins on 19 and possibly 1/7/13
loses on 6/24 and possibly 23
Seems that it is good for thin games?
1. K8653 A5 V AKJT97....T7 KQ63 A975 Q52
1S-2D-3C-4C-5C ? not quite sure after 3C but 3C show max 5-5 so possibly a win
2. KT8542 A7 J8 K87.......A Q9543 T954 942
1S-2C-2S tie
3. AKQ54 QJ864 2 97.......72 752 AQ75 J532
1S-2D-2H-2S Responder should have correct to 2S in other methods as well so I'll consider it a tie
4. KQJT4 QT3 K KT54.......63 8 QJ875 AJ732
1S-2C-P tie
5. AKJT97 T QJ5 K32.......82 AK864 K62 J54
1S-2D-2S tie
6. KT852 QT6 AK62 7.......J9 J54 Q8543 KQ5
1S-2D-2S lose
7. AT654 A6 AK75 84.......7 754 964 AKQJ95
1S-2D-2N-3N possible win
8. AJT65 K Q65 K874.......9 J9853 K3 AJ632
1S-2C-P tie
9. KQT987 J93 4 A53.......J2 Q86 QT86 JT42
1S-2C-2S tie
10. K9752 KQ764 QT 6.......43 J932 AJ8653 8
1S-2D-2H tie
11. AJT976 V AQ63 K83......K2 AT632 52 QJ92
1S-2C-2D-2H-2S tie
12. AKJ74 K T532 543.......T9 AJ97632 AQ4 V
1S-2H tie
13. AT876 Q A4 QT643.......K5 J654 KJT92 82
1S-2D-2S possible win, especially at MPs
14. AJT87 J974 AJ A5.......Q2 532 KT94 QJ84
1S-2C-2H-2S tie
15. AKT543 K K54 763.......Q6 AJ9432 J86 T8
1S-2H-2S tie
16. AKQJ97 43 754 Q8.......32 KT975 8 KT974
1S-2C-2S tie
17. AT754 2 QJ5 KQ54.......K2 A76543 AT32 7
1S-2H tie
18. KQJT72 AJ42 3 K5.......3 95 KQJT9864 T7
1S-2D-2H-3D tie
19. AK852 T2 Q5 A532.......97 AQT53 A853 J3
1S-2D-2S win
20. A9874 V 3 KQJ8542......J6 AKT83 JT98 96
1S-2D-3C no I'm not opening 1S here
21. QT6532 AK86 K7 3.......V Q753 J9653 KQJ9
1S-2C-2H tie
22. AKT52 9754 K AT7.......74 JT AJT5 KQ942
23. J86543 A J5 AK74.......7 743 AKT8762 53
1S-2D-2S-3D 3D on 7-2 fit, small loss but usually not matter
24. A8762 J95 KQT9 2.......54 Q732 8642 A83
1S-2D-2S lose