Posted 2017-May-11, 00:20
on a club lead, ruff in hand. Trump to ace, ruff club. Draw 2 rounds of trumps, play spade to A, cash club ace pitching diamond from hand and run trumps.
3 card ending will be:
AKx diamonds in dummy, q spaded & 109 diamond in hand.
East cannot hold the spade king & qjx diamonds in the three card ending. He must give one of them up.
There is a slight indication that this is better than straight spade finesse. East only had 2 clubs and one heart, so has 10 cards in spades & diamonds.
Is the word "pass" not in your vocabulary?
So many experts, not enough X cards.
After a macho 7♥ raise from partner, I am declaring the grand slam.
It might succeed with a spade finesse, or an even break in clubs, or through a squeeze ...
I failed at the table, but my line lying in bed at 2am would have been better. What is the best line to maximise chances?