RedSpawn, on 2017-May-10, 10:37, said:
When the collective hears an alternative idea that doesn't conform to their sensibilities, the attack formation begins.
I am okay with the attack formation.
Is your alternative idea the same as an alternative fact? In any case, this is called Attack Formation Echo-3 IIRC.
RedSpawn, on 2017-May-10, 10:37, said:
We take a vote. I am okay with the vote.
However, if the vote shows that calling pass on T98765432♥ is not as insane as the author purported it to be, OWN THE OUTCOME. No bid/call had a majority at the time and the poll forerunners were 4♥ and PASS.
To try and throw a poisoned dart and suggest (indirectly) the 33% voting block is rife with rank amateurs to STILL HOLD ONTO the "insane" narrative is consistent with a groupthink maneuver.
67% of the responders chose something other than pass. All 67% are essentially saying we see the suit quality, but a 9 card suit should be opened. The exact level of the opening is up for debate, but basically 50% of all the voters chose 4
♥. Pass is a minority position, no matter how you slice it.
I know and respect some of the people who voted for pass, but I think they are completely wrong to pass. There are twice as many non-passers, and many more "name" players among the 4
♥ openers.
I ran some double dummy simulations on Dealmaster Pro with random hands for the other 3 players.
♥ makes 8 or more tricks 76%, 9 or more 59%, 10 or more 32%, and slam 6%
The opponents can make 9 tricks or more in 3NT 68% and have a slam 18%.
The opponents can make 10 tricks or more in 4
♠ 49% and have a slam 15%
The opponents can make 11 tricks or more in 5
♣ 30% and have a slam 16%
The opponents can make 11 tricks or more in 5
♦ 23% and have a slam 12%
Obviously partner is almost always going to pass 4
♥. Your chances of making game or better in another suit or NT is pretty close to zero in my 200 hand sample size. If slam is a possibility in hearts, partner can use RKC to check for keycards.
The opponents contract percentages need some context. The opponents hands are random after taking out the cards in the 9 card heart suit hand. 3NT going down includes hand where the opponents don't have any heart stopper as an example. 4
♠ includes hands where the opponents have 7 or fewer spades). The percentages of makeable contracts is a lot higher if you eliminate "silly" contracts that wouldn't be bid on the actual cards.
How should you interpret the simulations? Holding only 2 HCP, this is overwhelmingly going to be the opponents hand, so 4
♥ is either going to be a good sacrifice (or making), or you are forcing the opponents to make a decision starting at the 4 or 5 level instead of getting in a couple of bids at the 1 or 2 level. I know where I want the opponents to have make their first decision.