Sorry about the delay responding. The responses were lost in the ongoing Trump saga. But there was big news today and I finally managed to find my question and some replies
johnu, on 2020-December-31, 22:45, said:
It's nothing more than Moscow Mitch McConnell being hypocritical. He doesn't want to enable $2000 payments, but the larger payments have wide public support, and majority Senate support. Section 230 is something the Democrats and a few Republicans are firmly against so by tying Section 230 to the $2000 payments in the same bill, he will sink the payments because enough Senators will vote against Section 230 even though that also means voting against the $2000 payments.
That way Moscow Mitch can say that he brought up a bill for the $2000 payments without mentioning that he put a poison pill provision into the bill that guaranteed that it would fail.
Thanks for the information John and relaying it without being obnoxious
cherdano, on 2021-January-01, 02:42, said:
Yeah there is absolutely no way to find out why Section 230 is tied to the $2000 payments, and what the motivations are for doing so. No way except to read the news. Absolutely no way to find out that McConnell inserted a poison pill because he didn't want the support payments to pass, but knows they are unpopular so he doesn't want to hold a vote on them. It's just so completely unknowable.
It's also completely unknowable hwo McConnell can do so many unpopular things, and yet remain majority leader in the Senate. It's almost as if his party only needs 46% of the two-party vote to win the Senate. I mean, have there been any news stories about the Senate giving more weight to the votes of some citizens than others? I can't remember ever reading something about that.
Wish I could ever say the same for you Cherdano. Kindly never be obnoxious in any response to me again and learn to be respectful
Thanks for the information. I read it a few times to see if I was being oversenitive and imagining the offensive tone and to whom it was directed, me or the ridiculousness and complexity of the issue. sadly I felt it directed at me. But seriously, who has that much time to try and get to the bottom of detailed congressional and Whitehouse shenanigans and its possible massive impact on the whole world
Worth checking out Jack's (sorry Mr Dorsey's) thread on Twitter today
Jack's thread
Seems our tech overlords are planning the future of our planet. WOndering if we have any say in it at all anymore
Sadly it seems that Greater Silicon valley (for want of a better term) are trying to control our whole world for quite some time and now they may even have the political backing in Washington, and elsewhere, to assert that control. I have suspected it for a long time that the seeming wonderful excitement and progressiveness of much of the old hippie West coast techs and their wonderful philosophy was just a big con. Seems tanatamount to fascism from what I can see these days
I'm starting to be a bit over what seems to me (not just this one issue) but countless massive issues and debates being raised all over the world, but especially in the USA - followed by internationally - in a rather phony and manipulative way. The whole corporate-government role and responsibility is certainly being played out in a big way globally and to me at least its rather fake and manipulative and dangerous the way it is happening. There are just so many overlapping issues of platforms, media etc and the (at leat to me) way they have been used to the extreme over recent years to manipulate and polarise us on so many issues.
But the issues faced by the world and the growth in control and overcentralisation of certain levels of control within a relatively few corporations has also led to seeming break down in the ability to actually find quality accurate information in a short time frame and not have to waste our time looking through endless low quality sites and conversations. Thats why I like to ask aroound in different forums, and kind of don't like the attitude of - you could have read it in the media
But I am seriously concerned at the overcentralisation of this power that to me actually challenges Jack Dorsey's model or ideas for a model of social media (and cryptocurrency). I believe it has fallen down on the whole gig-economy, the way platforms are working etc. To me there is an illusion of decentralisation while in fact massively centralising power in a few oligarchs. That power (in many different forms - capital, voice etc) has been sucked out of much of the world by a few huge entities (or at least one or two locales and groups of entities). I know that much of that capital is in the form of shares distributed around some subsets of the world. But its a bit like Bitcoin really. A few people have a lot of it. And the rest of those who use it have a few nanocoins and about that much power over what the entity does
Hope nobody thinks this is all irrelevant since it has been provoked like a lot of other stuff over the last 4-5 years.