hrothgar, on 2016-October-25, 05:34, said:
Just understand, you know those individuals from the "person on the street" that you were discounting as poorly informed idiots...
I put you in precisely the same basket...
The fact that you like to pretend that you are well informed because you can name drop Saul Alinsky doesn't buy you much around here dittohead....
No, I am not well informed because I can name Saul Alinksy.
However, as an American, I am well informed because I know that New Mexico is not a foreign entity. That puts me ahead of about 46% of the American college age kids, the last time I checked. (I have never lived near New Mexico so I don't have an unfair advantage.)
I'm somewhat well informed because I can see around me that those in their 20's can't add 9 and 6 without a calculator or don't know what half of $2 is and realize that something is wrong with how we are educating our children. The current push for more testing and less teaching is going to exacerbate the problem.
I'm somewhat well informed because I realize that that there are some well informed intelligent liberals and some well informed intelligent conservatives. That likely puts me in front of the 80% or so of conservatives that think that almost all liberals are uninformed libtards and the liberals that think that conservatives are a bunch of racist hicks who think all blacks should be sent back to Africa.
I'm somewhat well informed, apparently more well informed than the Republican Party, who seems to make pro-life a major part of its campaign, thus chasing away many possible Republican followers. They don't realize that in 2015, 31% of people that identify as Republicans (including me) are pro-choice, and likely think it's an outrage that a woman should jeopardize her own health for the sake on an unborn child or have to carry a rape baby. It sickened me to see Ted Cruz harp on Planned Parenthood being a top issue. The GOP is going to lose a lot of independent votes if they keep harping on overturning Roe v Wade and "Planned Parenthood atrocities."
I am somewhat well informed because I share neither the left wing view that Islamic terrorism isn't a problem, nor the alt right wing view that we should send all Muslims back to the Middle East and then bomb the entire area. As a conservative, I am in theory (probably in your opinion) a hateful bigoted Muslim hater. And I have been called that many times because I've been vocal on combating Islamic terrorism. (Shocking - she used those words! RACIST!) However, most Muslims here in the USA are neither terrorists nor support terrorism, and the mere fact that I am saying that I believe makes me better informed than many conservatives. Instead of hating Muslims in Sharia countries who hate us, I actually have genunie sympathy for Muslim women who have to live under Sharia law. However, I am also well informed enough to notice that rapes in Sweden have increased dramatically since the Muslim immigrants started coming, something that seems to be considered bullsh*t among most liberals with blinders on. If you are one of the ones that either thinks it's a coincidence or doesn't know that fact, I'm going to have to call you one of the ill-informed ones, at least on this topic.
I am somewhat well informed because I know that both the police and Black Lives Matter make good points. First, the police have to do their job and since much of the crime happens in poor black neighborhoods, that is where their job sends them. However, when well-dressed black people get stopped just for being in a white neighborhood
even if they live there, that's a problem. I have posted some solutions on a different discussion board so I have thought about the issue but it is indeed a difficult issue.
Liberals who think the police are 100% wrong and the blacks are 100% right are quite ill informed. So are the conservatives who think the blacks are 100% wrong. Remember that the Ku Klux Klan was a Democratic Party institution so this is not a party issue. However, liberals would do well to read Jason Riley's piece on blacks and police:
Jason Riley on race relations and law enforcement
I reject both the argument I've heard from conservatives that land was made to be used (and raped) by man for his sole benefit, and the argument I've heard from liberals that any decision should be resolved in favor of the environment. I will admit that I don't know enough to say whether the Keystone Pipeline would have caused enough environmental harm in the long run to make it a worse solution than being beholden to countries whose people hate us for our energy needs. However, probably 80% of conservatives were certain it was a good idea and 80% of liberals were certain it was not. I can't believe that there are very many people on either side that know so much more than I do about the issue to be certain of anything, especially when there is so many that disagree with them. I believe that admitting that I don't know is a better informed decision than those on either side that are certain their side is right. I am chastised by many conservative friends for this, but I am actually in favor of significant amounts of land, not taken by Eminent Domain, should be reserved as forever wild. While I'm not convinced of man-made climate change, the safety play here is to cater to that bad distributional break (that man is causing problems and we need to reverse it) and keep many forests thriving to convert CO2 to oxygen, and I actually like to be able to go places and see clean lakes and lots of birds. In fact, my main gripe about wind energy is what the windmills do to the flying birds. How many conservatives are you going to hear that from? But never mind, I'm just a dittohead and am not allowed to have my own thoughts.
I believe that all Americans should have the opportunity to feel good about themselves, and be productive members of society. This is more likely to happen under a system where small businesses can flourish and not be burdened with massive regulations - even knowing all the different regulations from all the levels of government can be so challenging for a new business that the prospective entrepreneur gives up before he starts, meaning there are less jobs for people and more people on the dole, which makes them feel less good about themselves and ticks off the people who support them. Now, this is a conservative position. And while I feel this way, I am more well informed than most conservatives when I say that there are some regulations that are necessary. Many conservatives are ready to scrap all regulation and let the country flourish, I am well enough informed to realize that this won't work. Scrapping regulation will allow for indiscriminate pollution, the buying of 51% of a company and stealing it's assets from the other shareholders, stealing by insider trading, unlimited discrimination by race and gender (as a conservative, I think the regulations have gone too far, but I realize the need for some regulation in this area), and many more issues too numerous to mention. However, at this point, there is far too much regulation and it is choking small businesses and our economy.
A lot of the problem of health care is the rising costs. Right now, when I go to the emergency room, I'm the only one with insurance while there are 4 hours waiting worth of people ahead of me, mostly illegal immigrants, each bringing their kids with the flu, with the government (read: taxpayers) paying a very large tab so that the kid gets some medicine. They don't need the emergency room and they don't even need a doctor! Many medical needs can be met without doctors. Clinics would do the same job for a lot less money. Yes, I can hear conservatives screaming that we're giving the illegal immigrants free health care, but we are already doing just that and paying at least 10 times as much! Note that my partial solution might align more with liberals than conservatives.
Medical bills are also way too high because good doctors have to pay outrageous malpractice insurance to cover a few that get sued for and lose amounts that are way out of touch with reality. Yes, I know doctors make mistakes, but if jury verdicts were more in line with actual costs to the injured patients, health care costs could come down a lot which would help all Americans instead of a few greedy lawyers. Yes, this is a conservative position, but while the ACA dramatically raised health care costs for most who aren't on the dole, I am trying to present solutions to reduce costs.
College costs are outrageous. One of the reasons is that the government loans everybody and their brother money for college and there is too much demand. Consider that the average kid might be better off forgoing college for four years of experience, and if he had any talent at all, he will probably be the boss of the new graduates coming out of college. Apprenticeship programs that get people doing useful things faster can replace $60,000 a year college bills to teach our young people diversity studies - which the taxpayers will probably end up paying for with the laws about college debt forgiveness for certain professions or after a certain time.
I think the federal government's job is mainly defense, there is no reason for many of the agencies. For example, education should be handled at the state, if not local, level. If Kansas wants to teach creationism while California wants to teach 26 gender identities, I see no reason not to let them, and each set of parents can try to relocate to a state whose ideas align with theirs (easier now that many jobs can be done remotely.) There is no reason for a federal Department of Education.
The above content represents my own thoughts and I hope you can see that I am not parroting a random conservative organization. If you still believe I am an uninformed dittohead, then I will never change your mind. However, I hope I have proven you wrong about that allegation.