Posted 2014-August-27, 12:54
We can infer that the club honours are split: LHO would surely lead a top club on this auction if he held AK, and RHO would open at the one level with KJ♠ and club AK, especially playing precision.
That somewhat increases the likelihood of the diamond hook winning, but we need that anyway. We aren't going to be playing for -1 in the circumstances.
We can cater to 5-0 trumps if we can score a club, 2 diamonds and 2 spades, provided that we get to ruff something in one of our hands.
I'd win the spade and play the heart 5 to dummy's 10.
If RHO shows out, switch to clubs now. Should LHO be able to ruff the 3rd round of clubs, then down we go, but we weren't making anyway.
Assume RHO wins the first club and plays a spade: win, hook the diamond, play a club. LHO would win this and there is nothing he can do. Say he plays a trump: win in hand, play a diamond over, cash the club, throwing a diamond, cross in trump and ruff the spade. We still have AQ of trump in hand and have taken 2 spades, 2 diamonds, a club, a spade ruff and two rounds of trump. 10 tricks. LHO would likely be 2=5=3=3 for this to work. I leave other variations, after the club play at trick 3, to the reader, but all roads lead to the same 10 tricks.
If both follow to the first trump, play a second round and then basically adopt hydra's line. There should be enough time to allow for the safety play in diamonds.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Matchpoints, last board. You're definitely in contention (around 70% coming into this round), so a solid result should see you safe. Opponents are a strong pair, playing Precision. What line do you take on this board?
(Also, comments on the bidding are welcome: I was South, and felt that neither of my calls was clear-cut but both were OK).
The 2♠ opening is described on the card as "weak, 5+ cards".
Trick 1 is ♠10, 2, K, A. What next?