pairs, you are vul. rho opens 2s and lho raises to 3s.
p bids 4c.
do you or don´t you?
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to raise or not to raise how much did you "promise"?
Posted 2014-July-25, 02:09
of course I do
hand is subpar in HCP but has a couple unexpected good features (long fit, singleton, long ace+intermediates)
hand is subpar in HCP but has a couple unexpected good features (long fit, singleton, long ace+intermediates)
Posted 2014-July-25, 03:00
I'm a chicken and pass. I doubt my spade stiff is a surprise for partner, 4c may already be counting on it. And likely partner isn't playing me for a yarb.
Posted 2014-July-25, 05:01
Most likely it seems is that opps have a 9 card spade fit and we have a 10 card club fit. Partner did not make a take-out double so most likely shape is 3-3-1-6 . Here is a hand where partner will likely overcall 4♣: ♠xxx ♥KQJ ♦x ♣AKJxxx.
So 5♣ I bid
So 5♣ I bid
May 2003: Mission accomplished
Oct 2006: Mission impossible
Soon: Mission illegal
Oct 2006: Mission impossible
Soon: Mission illegal
Posted 2014-July-25, 07:08
Four trumps, an ace, and stiff in ops suit? Partner butted in at the 4 level vulnerable? Pass would be absurd, in fact I consider bidding 6.
Life is long and beautiful, if bad things happen, good things will follow.
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