Posted 2014-February-10, 13:14
If I wanted to be cute, I would lead a low spade, hoping that declarer would reject the finesse out of fear of a ruff at trick 2, but I'd want some surprise lurking elsewhere...say Jxxx in hearts. If he has an inescapable loser elsewhere, he'll take the finesse anyway, while if he doesn't then we're not likely to beat him.
Meanwhile, I suspect that partner has 7+ clubs and a bad hand. Can he ruff the diamond and, if so, can that be the setting trick? My concern is that even if he rises with a high diamond in dummy, and partner ruffs, I may be squeezed in the pointeds. However, there isn't a lot else I can think of, so I also lead my lowest diamond.
I don't see the other alternative, of a heart, as having much chance, due to my holdings under dummy
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari