AKQJT8 Kx KTxxx void
Posted 2013-August-02, 18:49
Posted 2013-August-02, 21:51
Posted 2013-August-02, 23:55
Mbodell, on 2013-August-02, 21:51, said:
Was my hand really that good? I didn't remember the HJ or spots. I'm embarrassed to say that I passed the preempt. I was trying to judge whether 4S or 3C had a better shot of making and was way off. Pd was down 2 in 3C (so in a way happy to hear that 4S went down 1). Atul ran a simulation and came up with 4S as having a 62% chance of making. I think 3C had a 27% chance of making. 3N was somewhere in the teens.
Posted 2013-August-03, 00:15
straube, on 2013-August-02, 23:55, said:
Yeah 4♠ is cold double dummy, and probably on the best line too. It was an interesting problem to me, and I'm still not sure what is right because you have a ruff possible complicating things. Our auction was (rotated, was board 4 in the 2nd session):
Opening lead is ♥A and a ♥. I cashed a top spade and then 8 to the 9 of spades for the 1 entry to board. Now if you play a diamond towards your hand you have to choose do you play the K or T. The K caters to A onside, the T caters to QJx onside OR (Jx or Qx onside [because after pulling trump you'll play the K next from hand], so long as the short diamond hand doesn't get a diamond ruff either because they are short in spades or because the defense doesn't figure out to give it).
Posted 2013-August-03, 00:30
Posted 2013-August-03, 04:11
straube, on 2013-August-02, 16:27, said:
3C P ?
straube, on 2013-August-02, 23:34, said:
Posted 2013-August-03, 04:47
Mbodell, on 2013-August-03, 00:15, said:
I think it is right to go up with the king:
The K caters to AHx, Axx and Ax onside (7 cases). It also caters to some rare cases of singleton Q/J where there is no ruff.
The T caters to QJx and Q/Jxx onside (4 cases) and to some of the 4 cases of Q/Jx onside; there will be a ruff on more than half of them and I think they will usually find it. Obviously there are no tricks in the side suits and you didn't pitch any diamonds on the AK of clubs.. For this reason it might be right to play a LOW diamond on the second round (if they don't try for a ruff) catering to AQ and AJ offside.
Posted 2013-August-03, 05:54
Joe got a ♣T lead from QT dub lol. He won and pitched hearts. It's probably right to now play A♠, ♠ now for a single diamond play. He played an immediate diamond to the T and scored 10 when they found the ruff since our auction pinpointed the ruff.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2013-August-03, 06:15
George Carlin
Posted 2013-August-03, 10:02
George Carlin
Posted 2013-August-03, 11:08
Posted 2013-August-03, 12:40
quiddity, on 2013-August-03, 04:47, said:
The K caters to AHx, Axx and Ax onside (7 cases). It also caters to some rare cases of singleton Q/J where there is no ruff.
The T caters to QJx and Q/Jxx onside (4 cases) and to some of the 4 cases of Q/Jx onside; there will be a ruff on more than half of them and I think they will usually find it. Obviously there are no tricks in the side suits and you didn't pitch any diamonds on the AK of clubs.. For this reason it might be right to play a LOW diamond on the second round (if they don't try for a ruff) catering to AQ and AJ offside.
I played low the K and lost 3 diamonds when it was Jx onside with short spades with the short diamonds. One of my dinner mates was very enthusiastically supporting low diamond first (then K) as the "clearly right play". In truth I did also pitch on the clubs before playing on diamonds which is obviously not that smart for a number of reasons .