personal attacks on BBO forums
Posted 2013-July-27, 07:46
why not delete posts with personal attacks?
why condone online bullying?
Posted 2013-July-27, 09:09
As you know (from your post) these are not allowed in theory. Unfortunately, now that the forum has grown, I don't read every single post, and I am sure Barry doesn't either. We either edit or delete post with personal attacks. There are a few minor exceptions. If the attack occurred several "post" ago, and a buncho people have responded to it in a positive way (and quoted it) such that the attacker has learned his lesson and maybe even apologized, we might leave it alone. In the water cooler, personal attacks in an "exchange" are sometimes left alone (I do not as a rule mess with or read water cooler, as I was against a non-bridge forum in the first place, but its popularity has proven my view wrong). The clever people attack someones idea for being "Stupid" (put in whatever personal attack you want for stupid) and that slips by. The minute they call the poster him or herself stupid, that is violation of the TOS for the website..
But anyway, reporting it is as so easy... click the report button (yellow button on the lower left hand side of every forum post) and it will be flagged so that rain, barmar and I can see that it has been reported. We can't miss a reported post because the system displays it to us when we log in to the forum plus the software sends us an email telling us that it has been reported with links to the reported post right in the email. If someone will report it, you can rest assured that at least three moderators will know about it. '
Posted 2013-July-27, 11:27
Posted 2013-July-27, 12:31
Remember Cayuga? When someone asks questions but really has his own answers, or otherwise trolls his own/someone else's threads, he/she is provoking such attacks...true, we don't have to take the bait. We can instead make our point one time, then back off the continuations.
Posted 2013-July-27, 17:32
aguahombre, on 2013-July-27, 12:31, said:
Remember Cayuga? When someone asks questions but really has his own answers, or otherwise trolls his own/someone else's threads, he/she is provoking such attacks...true, we don't have to take the bait. We can instead make our point one time, then back off the continuations.
Yea i agree with you.
"Attacking a known spammer/troller/provoker. Does it worth it ?"

Probably not

Imo the OP is right in principle. The excuses for some of the attacks people do (including myself) are almost as nonsense as the topics created by the provoker.
-If you are one of the first repliers each time when a particular person posts
-If you know he has a convention book that he opens every morning before he even drinks his coffee and creates a topic.
-If you know from your previous experiences that his questions are not actually questions but an attempt to give lectures.
-If you know it is almost impossible to prove someone wrong in bidding related topics as you can in a play or defense problem. Especially if you do not give much credit to his knowledge and skills about this game (regardless of you are right or wrong with this conclusion)
And if you are still replying to his topics as one of the first or early repliers, or just replying, i don't think you have too much of an excuse to accuse him of making no sense topics or accuse him of giving lectures after himself asked the question or his level or his intentions. Basically if you are still replying to his posts, you can not complain about him getting on your nerves.. (The word "you" i used was not meant to point Aguaman by any means, for the record )

"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2013-July-27, 17:34
Vampyr, on 2013-July-27, 11:27, said:
This post has been edited by nige1: 2013-July-28, 19:00
Posted 2013-July-27, 17:57
Posted 2013-July-27, 18:23
In my view, discussion means that you exchange ideas, are willing to listen, learn and adjust your point of view and respect the opinions of others, consider them seriously, even if you don't agree with them. This doesnot mean that you have to "roll over" at the first opposing view, and you are certainly allowed to introduce new arguments to the discussion. But to have a meaningful discussion, you need to be able to tell the difference between facts and opinions, particularly between facts and your own opinions.
It is also perfectly fine to be provocative from time to time or to play the devil's advocate now and then. However, being provocative should be a means, not an end. And, if you provoke, you should be willing to accept the response to your provocations.
In the case that, without a doubt in my mind, led to this thread, we have an OP whose posts at best:
- are factually untrue
- seem to provoke as an end, not a means
- are accusing others
- ignore several basic rules for discussions: The OP is routinely stating the his opinions as facts and he is comparing apples to oranges, e.g. when dealing with statistics or referring to the supposed views of world class players
- are clearly not meant to encourage an exchange of ideas or a willingness to learn
At the start of these threads (and in several other threads started by this forum member) several experienced posters refute the misinformation presented in the OP of those threads. I cannot speak for the reason why others do that, but I do it -from time to time- because I don't want new, aspiring players to take this misinformation to be the truth. When the thread has developed far enough that a somewhat intelligent new, aspiring player can figure out what is true and what is misinformation, I am usually out of the discussion.
I think that the originator of these threads is either particularly poor at discussing (as well as being poor at bridge) or a destructive troll. Since I generally believe in the good intentions of people, I am (perhaps somewhat naively) assuming the former, but either way I don't view this person as an asset to the forums. This, of course, does not justify personal attacks, but, as aguahombre already pointed out, it makes them somewhat understandable.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2013-July-27, 19:28
Trinidad, on 2013-July-27, 18:23, said:
Posted 2013-July-27, 20:19
nige1, on 2013-July-27, 19:28, said:
I think he described what he wrote as understandable, if not justifiable.
Posted 2013-July-27, 20:41
Posted 2013-July-27, 20:54
the hog, on 2013-July-27, 20:41, said:
Well, as some posters above have suggested, participating in the threads minimally or not at all is the mature answer. Don't open the threads and you won't be annoyed.
Posted 2013-July-27, 20:59
Posted 2013-July-27, 21:02
the hog, on 2013-July-27, 20:59, said:
Then read for amusement and don't be tempted!
Posted 2013-July-27, 21:18
Posted 2013-July-27, 23:11

Everyone has their full right to be wrong. Some are just more wrong than others more often.

Posted 2013-July-27, 23:12
Posted 2013-July-28, 00:48
Vampyr, on 2013-July-27, 11:27, said:
If you don't know what this is about, click here. Nice question Stephanie. I hope you get a proper answer.
Posted 2013-July-28, 01:27
aguahombre, on 2013-July-27, 21:18, said:
Well, just remember that you can say "that comment is brain dead"; you just can't say "YOU are brain dead".
Posted 2013-July-28, 02:00
On behalf of Lurpoa I am requesting you to have her membership to the forum's restored. To have someone excluded because of a few ♥ symbols in their posts is ridiculous. Yet others using vulgar language are permitted to retain their membership in direct contravention of BBO Terms of Service.
The two posts below were copied off Lurpoa's profile. Please step up to the plate, Fred!
Lurpoa Please write Fred and Uday to ask they restore my membership. Be the Heart with You. The Aces banned me because I like Hearts !
2013-Mar-27, 11:49
Lurpoa Inquiry and barmar have excluded me from this forum because of my use of Hearts.
2013-Jan-18, 16:07